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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 62-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Instruct the patient to keep notes and lists to help her memory 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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The arrscerhese odnfu that lpepeo ohw adpprtaeitci in mnllaety ehlacgninlg tetciasiiv somt ,eofnt ohtb areyl dan elat ni ile,f adh a eswlro rtae of dceneli in oremmy cmeropad ot othse hwo ddi tno gnegea in cshu ca.etsiivit Evne wnhe eeolpp adh aeplqsu nda ngatels dan eorth gsisn of gedaam to ihetr ,binars anmelt uastnitloim meeeds ot lpeh rocptte ymoerm dna gniihtkn ik,llss nucoangict rfo utbao 14 erctnep of the cfeneidefr ni eidenlc yenbdo awth udlow be ecepxetd Pahr(hstain r,uemVi D,hP zEthbiela .C ,oniormM :hDP vCngti“ieo tnmlgiuiSta ittcvsiiAe ot eKep nDaetime ta B.”ay lruoeNy,og oVl 1.8 12)30

sloa the awy i ees ti, DA pst hvea obrslpme whti phmappusico .ei.( trsho tmer oeymrm rowpe )oeuhs so eknigep ontse dan stils or ahawtvvae ihgtm lehp swol rheti igvoetinc dlicene sa ltheyl be negiepk teh pchomppiuas omre aivcte

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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i otg siht tiunqeos ghrit tbu yhw ocnudlt it be nkoig ?bailbo

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nor16  and hyw no tp,ryhea e..i ionevgcit tingia`rn +
jessica_kaushal  rsfti tpes is to make hte ntat'sepi vnoteneimrn idnmocgaacto rof teh e.natitp +3
jessica_kaushal  risft tsep is to akem eth ptsiane't ontnnriveme ocicgaadomtn for hte t.eiptna +
tryntofigritout  casBuee shit is a eensrtw idieemnc set.t Eevn ughhot ti ahs snhwo aregt retnctipoo saantgi DA dan yemorm nriocopt,te itsh etst owt'n lwaol I aiiylitln dilcekc on knoig tub uhhgott to na htis tets dn'toes ectcpa an sreetna adei. so ikdcelc no the neo I nkow yhet etawdn em to ,sya adn I got it .hgitr ah +7
mumenrider4ever  eakdiWipi sasy Ggin"ko cetxtra sha osla neeb tdieuds in Aezes'rlihm d,isease tub rteeh is no good neediecv thta it ash any fcete" .f /Geb/aice:ip_iimkniapenoktawii/bako.t#tsggdrlooiineid/d_i.hlwrTn +4
skonys  Teh nylo CMT tath is ctllayua duse in reenstw mde is evocl ilo orf pnia rmfo yet-rkodcs in 3rd loarm rnex.ticosta eW neev ues a nyfac udproct ealcld "cseokt apets" hcwih is tlleyilra egnocall nad ovlec .luiFon ft:ac oGink bBilao si hte yonl cspseie in t'si gusne. I'm nuf ta ptaersi +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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Nto eurs twha teh cpitnomilai saw dnrgaerig the setasdsi inigvl tiifacyl I( vreen thohugt of tehm as a tsla rsteor tnut)aisio, uaebesc it ahs ebne snohw taht lcsiao eciiaivstt rae lecdbiniry lcinebaefi ni inolgsw odnw eth siongrreops fo aee.tdimn I popseus she si ni hte lyare tsegas of eiaseds nad dots'ne anrawtr atnnyghi os citsdar like vmgnio stju t.ey

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by kevintkim4(4)
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When I aedr n"gkgoi lo"babi as my sanwer hcioce ()E I guotthh I was teggitn oresduiil maol

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by lovebug(62)
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ayerll uusiorc utaob wyh tno )C( esuSgtg htat the ceolpu ot a tpesaihrt ttheer?.og T.T

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drdoom  hout hlasl otn pnut nro eerfr tyh ttaenpi to taneohr +5
lovebug  hO, thank uoy! +
drdoom  h,eay tnhki oatub it tihs :way hte Spte sxaem are rhee to yietfrc tshi“ rsepon acn trccpiea neeiicmd ni rouy ttesa utwtioh rs.svenop”iui evne hte msto rdopswepih adn oilfgdeir ssnnoorgeuure eavh ot sspa teh s.pSte ’htsat saceeu,b ta the den fo eth ayd, all psrnoliibyteis (nda iib)llytia lsfla no hte aicnhyips fo cror.ed “het kcbu stspo e,h”re as htey ya.s ,os the Setp dense ot assses ahtt yuo cna ekam a dcioiens nhwe on one lsee si rodaun. ti uonl’tcd od atht if it oelawld yuo to ocsohe ee“frr hist rblompe ot eneoosm l” +3
csalib2  mdo@ord aascttnfi .tinop veern uogthht fo it ttha ay.w +
lovebug  mrdodo@ !XTH ryve ewste lpanntxoa!ei +

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