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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#25 (reveal difficulty score)
An 80-year-old woman cannot concentrate her ...
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 +25  upvote downvote
submitted by flashvoyger(25)
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ehT ntsqoeiu si nisgak uoy owh uhcm eatwr utms hte mowna atke in to anamniti eht emas ilmyat.solo hTsi moanw easkt in 045 Osmm of stuleo per .yda ihsT si a iunt fo rseeemmtanu -- inkth of it liek .rgams

roF erh ot epek the easm aooltimsly esh mtus rcteexe 054 mmsO rpe ady. eTh ynlo yaw rfo ehr ot ectxere teh utlsoe is iva eth dniysek. eTh nyol ywa orf ehr kyniesd ot reecetx 054 mmOs is fi eyth exetrec 1 triel fo rtaew sol.a iTsh si eht amx tcontrcaneoin ahtt ehr yenskdi cna due.cpor H(er nykdies ear nto u“foelrwp guhn”oe ot kema rhe nueir nay more nrtetcdcenoa tnha a).tht

This anomw is aosl ngsiol onhrtae etril fo eatwr ot csefe, niasewgt nda ihTs si hte eisn“eblins ratew ols”s. Thta nsaem if ehs igonls 1 retil of rweta ot st,awe riiopnrstae adn esfce pre dya lusp 1 rtlie of wtear to ineur easueb(c hes deesn ot esslidov ehr uotles ni gn,ithom)s!e rfo rhe lobod to tysa teh saem stolio,amyl esh sumt cerplea eht rawte esh slto uhts ,utms at minmi,um rkind 2 ieltsr fo trwae rpe yda.

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jean_young2019  agter hnonkntpa!laaiTxe !uoy +
unknown001  itsh si ywa reisae nda ronel.mcbhepsei tpi; rdea sflha vrsayoge tsifr, nda thne hbsru gohrhtu opasctn.uel +

 +23  upvote downvote
submitted by cantaloupe5(87)
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eSh’s ngkianti 054 msOm erp ayd so hes dnese ot rtecexe 054 sOmm epr yad to aitnnaim .iquueibimrl oYu at’nc jstu recetxe O’mssm yb mshetleevs -- htey avhe to be dvslseiod ni omse otnuma of awetr.

’esLt yas you cxetree 540 Osmm hwit 005 Lm fo twear -- htta senam oyru sedikny ear teocngacintrn riune o:t

045 mOms ÷ 050 Lm = 090 sO/mmL

uBt het mmxiuma stih y’lsad ysdenik acn nornctcetae eunir to si 450 L/mOs,m os ehs sha to rexetec mreo wtera ot etg it htta teldui. aTht ntomau fo tware si 1 L, bcseeau 504 O/1msm L = 405 /O.Lmms

Now rethse’ tnignoh piotgnsp hre mfro reiegtcxn teh 540 sOmsm in an enve eomr diltue rneui -- rfo xmapele fi hes andkr na aextr L fo etawr oen da,y hte snkdyei doluc egt dir fo ahtt xreta L thiw teh esma anomtu of 540 mmsO yb ntidlugi het riune to 504 msmO ÷ 2 L = 252 smmO/L. utB eht etionusq kssa rof teh minmumi uaotmn of raewt -- hihcw si 1 L yb eht yendiks +( 1 L omrf eht rhoet sufft rfo a ttoal fo 2 .)L

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shieldmaiden  nahkT Gdo ouy eeixapndl weehr thta itrel cmae from eeuscab ryoevhslFga jstu okto ti uot a cmaig hta adn I was toyceepllm ltso +
skonys  uolWd eb aerst be idudclen ni eth einnlbssIe atrWe lss?o +3
skonys  my* .:( +
ankigravity  oS, as aetnrho maee,xpl fi hes took ni 090 ammdlO/yso fo olutse, esh lwoud ndee ot neuirat 2 L to lcera tath + 1 L mfro teh toehr stffu fro a attlo fo 3 L? +

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by burningmoon(18)
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eatW)r1( 1gK Laer=1tw mmk4/at0Ows r5eg em5LOawr0m4=ts/ wt aMeirn H2O eneded ot esdliovs 540 ustoel yb nidyke si L1 a2(Wear )terwt hOret escfe( te .T1aalLol:=) t rw1a(t+)e 2tr2a(we=)L

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ali_hassan  sthi si wtha i eddnee +

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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sTih eoqusint si t.spdui tWear nteiak fro a thalyhe udiliavidn is .20 L a ayd.

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by madeforupvoting2(16)
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To nmaatnii mlaspa aoymsliotl t&;-g edNe ot yaeltcx apercel lla het ufisdl ltos ni het ady

hSe tncnao nctnretacoe renui baoev 504 smgmk/O , os the iunmmim otamnu of waret iqurrede to eb ercetdex by sniedyk si 1 (ot eeercxt teh 540 msmO esh sauecamlcut rpe )yad. heT minuimm rncetoexi etraw iruerdeq si eisescaylnr at max nneor;ocaittnc fi you eerw ot ays druocep ilreudt irnue, yas k/5mgs2Om,2 htsi wulod eureqri 2 L of .rweta heT qusoenti satwn eth mniiumm elbispos twera ,mevlou os ew usmesa ’sesh nrttogacennic ot het .xma

1 L osssel mfor yikden + 009 mL lsninbeeis + 100 mL in awtes and cfees = 2L lssoes &-t;g eden to gtisen 2 L fo wrate to .preclea

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jesusisking  oS ,phllefu tnkah yo!u +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by misrao(5)
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Can nseemoo exnlaip teh rnoreitaclo nbteewe 540 Omasd/lmoy dna dnigeen ot tceerex 1 L fo ?wtear hskanT

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trazobone  isTh si my dsncoe meit niodg sthi neuiotsq TY D.COVI heT ineofdinit fo na mOs si eht rbmenu fo elssmoo fo eotsul erp tlire fo slo.ntve The smet slelt you het sheitgh hes anc tarctnneceo ehr ureni si 450 lk/sogmOm ,OH2 nad seh kaste ni 054 aylsoOm.m/d heS sloa ssloe 1000 mL ofrm aes,wt e,sfce etc.. Teh Oommsl eabilvasr rea NOT tedaelr to eth 0010 Lm. It si iongg to aekt 1 eirlt ot tnrnotceeca atht 540 mlmsOo r,enui dna seh olas seslo a traeaeps rlneaetud 1 rtl.ei re,ghteoT eth umiminm anmuto fo 2OH ddenee si iongg ot eb 2 l.strie +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by trazobone(97)
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Tsih si my edoncs tmei dinog tshi tinesouq YT DCOVI. Teh ftnnedioii of an mOs is the urmben of msloeos fo eotuls rpe tilre of lsotn.ev heT tems slelt you eth hisgeht seh anc ercotantcen hre rnieu si 405 O/mogmlks 2HO, dna esh asekt in 540 Oaymo/lsd.m Seh aosl olsse 0010 mL mrfo tws,ea fce,se e.ct. hTe mOsoml avesliarb ear ONT eedtlra to hte 0010 Lm. tI is ingog ot take 1 lreit to aenttornecc that 405 oslmmO ue,rni nad she aslo ossel a stareepa tanelrdeu 1 elrit. eroh,Tegt hte iunmmim amntuo of O2H ndeede si ingog ot eb 2 erl.sti

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