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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 48-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Increased intestinal iron absorption ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—chillqd(44)
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eTh mteS is dsegriibnc smrmoteihhos,coa atedchzircera by omrnalab onir sisegnn and aneerdisc itelniastn nabtsioorp. hsiT esicsaern ,Iorn grisncinea nti.rfire In oenrss,pe TIBC is es,ceddrea whhic seicersan rrnenafisrt rutaaosnti sa erteh is essl acrciitnulg ercirra em.ecslluo

ithW seescx onri in teh ob,lod it illw eualuactmc ni sissuet inuidgcnl the lire,v nsik, r.cnpaeas ea eeluqS iunldec atddeil rmpoahdoycat,yi iyoohadnm,pgs db,isatee ttrayrphhao 2/2 luccima opashoprhyetp idotepin,os dn rauoelltpcHale ramncCoai

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hello  I thkni you daem noe lhsigt kateism. IBTC = altot roni inbgidn y.acctaip It is oysumosynn hitw e"nrairfrnts ros.a"tnauit hisT penatit sha ecrndiaes naeirrnrstf oatusatrin kaa scenedair CI.BT The aternrrnifs olcuseelm rae rauaetstd -- ti si eciotcrrn to ysa "as rrestnanifr iusorantat sne,csarie there is essl culaciitrgn rrcreai lolcsmu".ee tI is emro tccroer ot asy atth eth numaot fo efer onn)(udbu insarrntfer is dreadecse. +1
hpsbwz  lehol@ Tianrsnferr iasrtatuon dan TCIB are not ynussn.yomo aernrfrTnsi si tllecuacad iunsg otlat oybd onri / C.BIT hiWle the mesru inro lveel tnecisuno ot ,nsecriea teh snfinerartr llvee .derceesas Ts,uh hte mtnuao fo sfriartenrn lavileaab ot nidb rnio I)CT(B aescrdees dan the munoat fo rntiersrnfa datsertau tiwh rino .e,i(. rtpenec trfninrrase aitoasntur) crsinaese. +11
mangotango  tJus ot racle up fneitnd:isoi Ttoal Inor ninBgdi pcCaytai TIC)(B = seemrau fo aiesrtnrrfn umosllcee ni the boldo (ubnod by eF ro nt)o. % Stuoanairt = rpetneacge fo frnenirtsar esmoulcle ttah rea dobnu yb Fe (ornlylma )%33 // toaamhP gp. 24 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—chandlerbas(118)
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eetrhs so cuhm niro ni eth obodl hatt it ash ot go it gseo onit eht elscl in the oydb ee(isdanrc etinr)fri and it ndbis ot the iarercr srntparto ternpoi atsenri.frnr aseecbu ti dinbs ot lla eht ftnesrrrnia yuo evha owl reef esfrirn.tarn ubt ouyr obyd ensses eht lwo eefr sretnrniarf nda oseg ok" lal ym rrrnsitfnea era lufl of iorn I usseg im ok i ontd eden armoeyn "ionr os ti stpos mgkain r.raifersntn so wlo renirnaftsr ro aottl roin iidbnng taiaccpy mebme(err shit si stuj a anyfc ayw of ygisna it sntoed atwn s.rna.rif.nt)e.r onw rtien%anrrfs ast is ujst tamh i( etah hm)ta sti klei :shti ioBCI/,rTn ew yealrda tgo gihh roni os meornrtua si gih,h and olw annertmoido cb iekl i disa IBCT si low so earvlol yrou arreintrsn%f aottursian is yerv ig.hh itsh is eht steb odiniratc fro ohethomacisrsmo

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dr.xx(176)
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rriatdyehe otceoaish.msrmho

HFE si aetdmut >=; teh sitsnetien trupayeellp ieptrtren a ornsgt srinretrnaf gnlsia as fi the obdy reew ecdeiftni ni i.rno Tshi eslad to xmalima onri bpniasoort mrfo dnegites osofd dan orin laordevo ni het


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lovebug  oAsmltoau ievsrs.cee 22YC8 aoumittn g;&t 6H3D tmitaonu on FEH ,geen ctadoel no homecmoros aeia;c6otdss itwh AL-3AH A01,29F[ 839.P]G +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—unknown001(9)
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rmasymu of eosnhteipgas

aicsmoootreshhm = uattoinm no FEH sgeodcne(e ofr an rnio seos)rn

tumotani &t;g ecdfte in nsrsoe ;tg& oybd ssesmau lwo rin.o

2 snorag onw ekma pttmate ot eirsacen dybo i.nor

,1 lasml inietet,sn encersisa nsriepxsoe fo MTD in

,2 ierlv rcdaseese pncidh,ie os hatt poerrnrftoi can eb sreepsxed no teh eaalrtsoalb aruecfs of ote.ytnerec

wyh ? os atht eth roni ersbaobd aiv tmd nac be eknat to teh loodb iav entoprfro.i

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