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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-month-old female infant is brought to the ...
Hyponatremia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—champagnesupernova3(93)
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irraDhae useasc ossl fo wtaer, Na adn Brcaib. remeebRm tath arirahde is a asuec fo onn inano pga abiceomlt ossiicad scabeeu the lsso fo beibrcotana is poametsencd yb cirnesgian Ciorhlde aotrnsobi.epr oS ehs nac vahe rehcaleimpyohr or yareotmiapnh eud ot tekian fo ylon free wrate orf 24 .ourhs utB esh ahs SSZEEURI os proaehnimtya is otsm kllyie

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drzed  I ihntk hte nitlaii elohyhircaremp udolw be uylkqic ddilteu uot by eth relag mopnniuscot of erwa,t os sehot wto icemotngp sssepcreo ouwdl lyielk ezaternilu hte ncelihro elve,l ro eevn mkea the hcdli oeh.ccprihmyol +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haliburton(225)
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ishT si watre .ixinatiotcno 9/

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thisisfine   Agred!e tI's anlog teh islen fo sthoe rahamtno uesrnnr owh speaocll u.ietqnoss gintNho ubt erwta ofr 42 rhuso = ngtiget ird fo too umhc iduom.s +2
temmy  are we just oggni ot irogen eth areiradh rof 3 dysa? htaw si tis acnfeisiignc +4
kard  y,Temm eW ntia nngroiIg eth D,aairher tlAuacyl teh otsm kyelli lscteeryetol to teg slot itwh it is tudsg;&oim doli;&tgerch pg&;oauitsmst oc.btarina.b.e Pusl eth tWera itocitinxoan gt;-& AAIEMPNHTYOR +1
bronchophony  why tno l?moyayehipgc +1
saulgoodman  Baceesu sclgoue is ont na rcelletoe,ty ti does tno ctdoncu cietyitcler in sniootlu. Teh qnusiote is asinkg chW"hi fo hte lgflionwo eteerlctyol .eaiobitsmlanr" +4
skonys  ybhnhpnocor@o ussginam esh dtsne'o vahe a ecsueolsy/ocinlnggggeno ,obrp esh dut'lonw eb lecihompgyyc etfra 4h2r.s AF91 +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—readit(18)
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eTh yke ot thsi ioustnqe is taht the epattin is 4 hmonts lod nda etitngg twae.r

Nwsnober hlduos OTN be gntegti nialp wtare unlti arfet 6 hnosmt fo gae abuscee it acn scuea raeipatmonhy -;t&g- ueizrses

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haozhier(23)
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Wyh si it tno m??apgeilyoyhc iymlapeyocHg nca asol elad to eieuszr

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cuthbertallg0od  emaS ttgsuhho eehr, adn I ihnkt alimhyycgoep corcsu lrrieea ni sasn/tiidkfn anht in satudl ekl(i 8 oh?)sru -- maeby tsuj ermo eilylk ot be noirayhmaept csein +aN ltso in het ..a.rrhidae +2
fbehzadi  I inkht lsotmy het tcaf taht 42 si otn anogn edceru his eglcous ot het tpnio of ngcsaui a ue.irsze +1
fbehzadi  24 srouh* +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—drzed(332)
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arPpshe I drtnt-ghhuuoe isth ,ussetqnoi btu ti is lgihhy lekynuli to hvea HYER-P of tyhannig hnwe mcnongsui eragl smunoat of ,etawr uecebsa hartvwee noi is epernst si gingo to tge led.iutd So in the saec of rmlaon gpa iidcsaso mrfo araeirhd, esy rtehe yma eb na tnaiiil eehirryhm,alpco ubt het warte is igogn ot iudlte ti uo.t

eenBewt cyeypigahoml and eramti,ohypna ti si emro kiylel ot eb htypniraameo ecueasb eth cdhil hda uisesezr

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—didelphus(70)
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Ayn adie yhw relahcemoirhyp 'nist na rsew?na The ieahdrra dwuol aeusc na malonr oanni apg oheyrepri)(mlcch ticelmbao iico.adss

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charcot_bouchard  tsih is hte brlopem bet wu dna mn.eb ni wu it wolud eb ofr resu a acthog eu.sq tbu in enbm eyht are asuylul gknooil orf otms bviu.oos salo oklo awht yeth ear ainkgs stm"o ik.l"yel abyb woudl edv olw Na bferoe iissc.oad hsTat ym 2 tnces +29
temmy  hcpomerherylai wlil ton ucnaotc for eht ieeursz thta hbtuogr eth tpeatni ot eth ploaisht. sziesure rccigonad to rtfsi ida si asudec by phlayamiocce and nraiomyaphet +1
cry2mucheveryday  edliCnhr wthi deoahrrai how kdirn lraeg osuanmt of tewra ro rothe ooynithpc sdufil iniactnong vrye owl actnrecsotinon of ltas dan teorh sesotul, or woh ecviere ivnseortnua oinsisufn fo 50% cugselo in a,rtwe may eelpodv napm.rotyaiaeh ishT rsccou bcueesa traew si rbobesad mofr eth tug hiwel teh sols of last (C)alN ,onnecsuti uinascg ent sessol fo dmiuos ni ecsesx of raew.t ehT lcarinpip etreasfu fo rhaoptinaemcy nrihdaetdyo eatehr:e r si a ceitdif fo waetr dan oms,iud but eht ifcteid fo uoidsm si rmr srgtuaeee; muiosd ncernntotiaoc is wol 01(l3&t; me s)lmoru;l/m taomlsyoli si lwo &5;7(2tl lmoOl/hts ;m)e dchli si gre;citahl n,nerqyiutelf ehrte ear u zesesri.DEQe/HS#I2rmhUR./EA%2ORi%Fre.rOe0d:OTNhSdadmogWREe2dNtsdartCpE%Ey//rCYto0/A0ms2thAhta +
cry2mucheveryday  As,lo hwy si htsi nigbe ievng r.f.olum.?a aMy be alctsea w.fcd.chhi.ceenyii ldsae to tsocmoi daahir..elardes. to otarraotlny'e) jnaAnhimgp(e rbsnweno opedpuss ot be etpk no eeulxivsc resabt kilm llti 6 h?mtn?os +
hello  rey@yucvmycdhae2r D'otn daer too umch oitn .it Teh ftac htat eht bbya si rniigeecv oflrmau s'int nerltvae to wragnsnie eth Q. wtB, otn reeonvye tabesr .fedes ,Aytlidniloda teh Q ndo'wlut aekm uhcm esesn if ti sadi h"tey anr uot of bl".t.krim.sea +1
hello  eyydamrec@cr2huyv nieBg on orfuaml neht hte nsepatr gunrnin uot of mrluafo is eomr fo a cuel rof awetr tnxiai.toionc hsiT si playytlci het raoiecsn htta raewt noixiniactto Hpeneeer,w.r ssvot I eospusp fi for mseo naeros eth yabb aws ngebi btredfaes nda the esraptn eswhcdti ot cyileuxlevs eardinfgeewt n(da no otreh of)s,do ethn twera tcixooainnti uwodl oals eltsru. +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—champagnesupernova3(93)
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arheDrai esusca sosl of ,atwre aN and arc.ibB rReememb ttah raraehid si a cusea of onn nioan pga aobtleicm coasisid seceabu eth ossl of traneabcobi is dnetmscoaep by iaeinrcsng hCoridle ootirna.prebs oS ehs nac hvea rhhrmacypoliee or onarihyatpem ued ot ketian fo olny feer ertaw for 42 uh.ros But ehs has ESZERSIU os htoiayemrpna is somt ieklyl

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—umpalumpa(6)
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ihsT dokdi hsa smto llyeik eerrtysoc hearaidr ert(eh era no sleuc ni the ioqunste ttha htsi is oomscit r)ra.iaedh uDe ot eeorcsrty ihr,reada eht tp hsa icuratmnee laoeymiphvo twhi amerhlr.ichepyo ,revHweo het ranptes egiv teh tifann nlyo H2O fro 42 ,hh wchhi emsan htat Na adn Cl gte eiltud.d It is erom llkeiy htat hte pt tgse icetaphrmoyn atnh yherolcoipmch ncreoignisd tt,ah bofree iigvgn H2,O hloeraimc asw ihgh and Na aws o.lw The wlo iaamNe ssucae reelbrac eema,d hchwi slaed ot .ssrzieue

cGsuloe nca aeisyl be sosdcre tuo baecseu si otn an ctolltreeey nad het sqtuonie kssa rof yltcteeelro egsn.hca

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umpalumpa  eoCtrocnri fo itsh :eecesntn I"t si mreo keyill tath teh tp gste amioepycthnr tahn ieohmopccryhl snrnoeidgci th,ta eerofb igvnig OH,2 ohmrlicea wsa ighh dan aN was mlnoar i( ahev elknyasimt ientwrt a"N aws "owl ea,vbo ubt I dtnawe ot triwe N"a was n" +

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