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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A study is conducted to assess the normal ...
500 Men from a list of patients scheduled to be examined by a urologist 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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nimgnxiaE aittepn fomr a irtogluos lmepiis rkBneso iBsa cwhhi lodwu wske hte piootuplna enam of eumsr aeur inregotn aywa romf het utre caurteac .enma henT, areelzi cepoinisr is deentenpd on itictsaaslt oew"rP" ihwch si dcrisenea dasbe on eht size fo hte appiotlonu of eht dys.ut rsc(anedie nceosiirp = eaensidrc littiastasc .rwope) eerofT,erh na neecrisa ni lnutaipoop of a deibas gorpu hiwt laed ot icacnayruc ihtw hhgi .recoipsni

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forerofore  to add pu, hte soilgtoru ehifsml des'tno add ro vmeeor crcayuca (nesic hsti is a lodbo st,t)e twha cseredesa het uaacccry is eth cfat thta in oderr to eb setn ot a rogutolsi yuo bblrypoa era kcis ni teh rstfi plaec se(ecioltn sb,)ai so oyur aure tngronei is lykeil to eb e.lertad +27
sharpscontainer  I tohhgtu fo psincerio sa oemr fo a utonnifc of cverian.a irecaaVn wlli acedeser wtih a tageerr meslap e.szi adH a dhar etim cseeuba I aws hngtikni utboa eosth 4 dnra trtasge no'tduw(l 005 rtdsa loko mroe eprasd tuo atnh 0?1 btu no, teh aavnreic ilwl be reettb) that aehv neeb ni ym tboksetox iecsn t7h radge nda rof teh srtif imte I saw dkase a oitesqnu uoabt hits cotcenp lyon ot doricsev atth I dint'd aveh ti dnwo sa well sa I sdau.sme +1
peridot  p@retainrnacsohs I elef u,yo I ohuhgtt het cxate smea .ngthi Ldokeo inot it a itb and I hktin ti hsa etnsomhgi ot od iwth het yaw snatdard orrer or atdsrnda dvntioiae or thnemsoig kile htat si dacca,utlle ubt I'm ltlis onsfucde and oot ierdt to dig t.rrehuf so,lA wneatd to mtnonei ttah ihst BENM hsa a imirals iesuqtno ubt tsaiden si't uoatb eth %95 cfinndeeoc tinrelav - ebmay 'ttlahl ehlp uyo dndtnusera hte iiocseprn hntgi ttbree ecsin the %59 nndifceoec aervnlti aorsrwn wtih a errlga pamles iesz? oS ts'i dakin diet ot ri?oepsnci +

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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1. lpmEexa of crnatuaeci but hglhiy erseicp 
    a. 050 sapntiet gnesei a larpctuiar docotr ofr a raatlripuc s
i2s.lnel plaxmEe fo cartauec btu msrceei
pi    a. 01 ptasinte gunredo a eesncgrni at a amll 
3. oBth trecuAca nda ecpiser 
    .a 500 isanpett (ghhi ei)csinrpo guondre a ngnrsicee (hgih racuccay ~ no aisb or eisycstm orrre)
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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aucAcycr asmne hte tdaa snopit rea esdides,pr tbu hewn you aekt eht naem fo soteh ,oinpts taht aenm pam(l“es )eanm” is ebaryn the oiopualptn name r“u(et )e”an.m ataD ptosni ear rmeo“ ”pieercs fi het iiesdnpsor csroas tada pitosn is lrsaelm ntha emso eohtr tes of adta pnotis eo(nict owh hits is a maposoicnr adn ont an es”“luaobt me;tta)tens ispiocnre ayss tnongih aubto who lcose the ageaerv fo hte adta ipotns era to the etru“ .nmea”

eKpe ni dmni taht yrcacacu nda inrocipes are etalierv oedrsicprs;t uyo a’tnc yas -sdo“on-as si p”escir;e ,on ouy nac ynlo sya hcduchnsas--“u si mero crepies nhat nood-”-ssa ro sdna-s-o“o is mreo racceaut hant a-su”ch-duch.ns oS, ni hsit c,sea we acn enifr atth MNEB eioscnrds nme“ at eth ”oioutlsrg ot aevh sNUB hatt rae ocrlse ot hcea rohet o(rme etedrsuc;l orme si;cpeer sels pssi)eerdd nhat teh UsNB of men“ ta”l

se’eHr a cnei eim:ga

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by cuthbertallg0od(15)
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isuncsgDis oipnersci onyl skeam sense fi hyet ewre to sepalm "X # aspein"tt tlulpime mesit adn ese hwo elocs hte ftefdinre rtseeumna'mes ssuetrl eewr ot ehca o.rthe The cuatla sezi fo het splmae oulsh'dt fetafc cp,oniresi but eahrtr it huolds tsuj efcatf acrccyua chhiw( si euecrdd by hte sdbaei ptnluapoio ta eht l)ios.rutgo mSh

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by ali_hassan(11)
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How odes 005 men hitw iurovas giaorlluco odtionscin restul in a peiesrc eistte?ma nWld'tuo the rvyeiat fo auslve due ot aisvrou egredes of nlseils ueercd ioinsecrp dna aeucs a reiwd tiav?yre

Mbeya I evtgtrhuhoo ti

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