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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#36 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-month-old male newborn is brought to the ...
Tyrosine 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem repeat

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submitted by zelderonmorningstar(96)
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nCa oeonesm expilna why hte rnaews udtcnl’o eb an?henlapeyiln

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donutsnduodenums  ehT dki sha ,bliisnam hhwic is eud ot redsdeaec sroineasyt ctavit.yi fI eh has a bomperl etinozbiaglm lPalenyein,han eh wdolu eb irnesetnpg iwth het PKU sx ielk lilalttncuee biiyatisdl, ymsut yodb od,ro ,tec. ni dniidota ot sih ifra xcl.epoonim +22
zelderonmorningstar  I ees, so if it saw PKU eh tl’dwnou tjus be ipertgnnse fro a ieurtno ianntmea.oxi It lwuod be one fo etsoh h“o cpra w’shat rwogn itwh my ”abby +16
wowo  0FA921 38p +
nbme4unme  sutJ a teno taht dWorlU sasy oyktnnrheealupi ttnaseip ASOL vaeh ablmins,i it's ujts atht the oernu xs nad umtys redro rea gaeay.wvsi +4
pathogen7  layc,necilhT ailmsnbi is a repmolb pngcroessi AP,DO nda not es,roiynt no? I saylwa setsiaocda "iyreston reignocssp tce"efd tiwh oriohs,snoc hhwic is why I t'ndid sehoco sseGu 'Im .nowgr +5
cmun777  e@hpngt7oa ye'our ont ogwnr ti is syacleilcifp PDAO but duowl nay fo eth oetrh srawen iocsehc keam ayn neess vroe ysreont?i +5
qiss  hp7o@tnaeg sloa sey- uoy cn'ta amek ADOP seuceab of a cvfdeeiet trssoeayni eymn.ze sihT nzmyee lsao sealzbteoim soeirnty tnio POAD frbeeo it lsbtaizmeoe PODA 8stqauGihHsnsAo2=pcoawV=.8eerp&Ko1bmhrTcsWUk2XaqVumtgKh0QwpBa#F;0C&;NYimhmbil9dXMmcB&02RVh_;5g7wo0KQpwy31mg2s=ct&rs1=Ktxa17o2=/:-zwihrzAaoa0r=x;;/Gf&?si5acV;g8H72igwBREj6eraws8=ozmtV&1=pj=maM.-;sa/oebeMjiqlvALCs&Z3g:Qiwn1apUAetypLpxA9mmpUEmD +

  • PKU commonly results from deficiencies in the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, which converts phenylalanine to tyrosine.
  • Tyrosine, in turn, is required for synthesis of the catecholamines dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
  • Supplementation with tyrosine effectively bypasses the defective enzyme and allows for the normal synthesis of catecholamines

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