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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#36 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-month-old male newborn is brought to the ...
Tyrosine 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem repeat

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submitted by zelderonmorningstar(96)
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aCn nsoeoem ealipnx why the aewsnr odclun’t eb nphiylen?ealna

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donutsnduodenums  eTh kid ahs asib,mlni wichh is deu to ereecdads yssonratei yciativt. fI he hsa a rpmoble goazmitbenli neyPlnehlai,na eh wuldo be intregnpes whit hte KPU sx klie ctteeniualll ilaydi,itbs utmsy ydob o,odr ,te.c ni aiidtdon ot sih aifr c.mnpolxoie +22
zelderonmorningstar  I e,se os fi it asw KUP he wtlnd’ou tusj eb retpinsgne for a nitoure oanxeman.iit tI duwlo eb neo of tsheo oh“ pacr tsha’w wnrgo hwti my yb”ab seno. +16
wowo  2FA190 3p8 +
nbme4unme  Jtsu a eotn that rdUWlo ssay uprikenayeolnth eapistnt LSOA vhae miba,nlis t'si stuj atth het nuoer sx nad ustym edror rea wsa.agevyi +4
pathogen7  lTechacn,yli binlaims is a orbpmle gopcressni AP,OD nda ton ro,sntyie n?o I yslawa odaietscas "tesonyri giersopscn efe"tdc hitw osr,noohics hiwhc si yhw I t'ndid hoeosc inertso.y essGu 'mI wrgn.o +5
cmun777  tnpoaeh7g@ oyre'u nto nogwr it is lslfapeicicy AOPD btu loduw any fo eth oerth earnsw cshecio make nay eessn vero e?nryitos +5
qiss  7eanhgot@p laos eys- you 'tnca eamk OPDA eaesbcu fo a evitdfcee torianyess nem.ezy hsiT zenmye aosl bmeioeatzsl osityenr onti PODA ferboe it ebsazlimteo APDO sQKAs:ghBpQ2tr1naAA3U1bmsiKj/3Xti-xrYtcxpMc2p8Cw2;-HUm=h;dri;&Zg&m=a;s;qambU&V75Dzh8ma?fpKeewqm19HAL1At0titaosoa/=BVw6vF/0o7=n=9ya8ug0_oelckcwG02iepaas2wsR0VioGm&w.E2ojEl;o=mwsTrC=awqe1zg;XQg7ij1m=uimhWNzRMcpspeKyoaL&p5&VrMx&pmr.hghaB=8V:sb# +

  • PKU commonly results from deficiencies in the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, which converts phenylalanine to tyrosine.
  • Tyrosine, in turn, is required for synthesis of the catecholamines dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
  • Supplementation with tyrosine effectively bypasses the defective enzyme and allows for the normal synthesis of catecholamines

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