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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#18 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old man has loss of pain and ...
Right dorsolateral medulla 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: FA20p504

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 +26  upvote downvote
submitted by m-ice(370)
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ehT eiatnpt ahs osls of napi nda aeemurrptte on the gtrhi dsei of shi asStnnieo of teh cfae is rlsepitl,iaa os teh eisus umst eb no teh etapnits' irtgh ide,s cihwh we nca nmfrcio yb gwonikn taht naneotiss of hte obdy is c,teallarotarn and eh ash otls tfle idsde nipa adn eturrtmpeea of eht y.dbo

naPi dan etraerumtep asotnnise fo eht dboy si atrp fo teh ihaniotmplcsa ractt, hihcw aaylsw unrs ylaltelar urotghh het hTis acn eb rcidmfoen yb iebmerermgn tath soieatnsn to teh cfea osla unsr lylarltae uhrhgto teh antbr.iesm So, ew nca rmcnfoi htsi si a gthir ddies trlaale atbmsenir ssiue.

hTe ssol of agg elferx dan ilsyaarps of hte aovcl rsocd yilmp eitamrpimn fo rlniaca ernvse IX dan X, boht fo chhiw oelicazl ot het lle.muad eThee,ofrr teh nswrea is griht rolsdtoarela .alemlud

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duat98  'Yeour a odog anm. +6
charcot_bouchard  You utsm eb osndameh oto +14
amy  heT drlaso vs lreavnt si s!funnicgo +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by brethren_md(105)
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arlLeat luryleMda ymrdeonS lbWae()gernl - ese FA rof mroe .ateidls pSsotmym ofr shti nrdmysoe mathc up thiw ahwt is geinb .seeedrtpn

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by cassdawg(1780)
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lS"pime rlseu fo het aristnb"em drect(i to our atmayon dgso ta ofLU ofr narggiizon, salo isth aigme is nckguif atger ofr uvslia aeerrnsl:)

  1. eTehr era 4 rtsrustcue swalay ni teh iil‘‘demn ginginben whit M
    • orMot whapyta (ro aiopcicrnslot at)ctr: aaemgd erslust in rtanlaatolcre swnaeske fo teh mar nda leg
    • edMila cusnisLem: edamag srsltue ni oettlnarclaar ossl of inobvrait nda npprorieoctoip in teh mra nad egl
    • deMila golatinuindl cfuilsucsa: aemagd uretssl in ptrsliaaeil rul-cetnriaen lehoipgmolpatah (eifrual of tcoidudna of het ltialsriepa eey awrodts eth soen nad mguatyssn in het ospitpoe yee as it oslko )altylrela
    • otMro sleucnu nda nreev: medaag letrssu ni ltaalpiries sosl of eth cnirlaa envre ttah is efaetfdc (,III V,I VI ro II)X

  2. eerhT ear 4 tsrecsutru to the si‘‘de atlalr)e( nigbgenni hitw S
    • coblSlneerripea hpaywta: aeagdm rtessul in rllataispie iaaaxt fo hte ram dna elg
    • ilohcamSnatpi athywpa: damega stsuelr ni llaceaortnart etilnoaart of aipn dna etrepaurmte eginffcat teh ram, elg dan yrrela teh kuntr
    • seryoSn enulsuc of NC V: eaagmd lrtuses in aiipletrsla naritteoal of pina dan ermetruptea on hte feca ni hte uobtriniisdt fo NC V thsi( lenucsu is a gnlo rlicetva tcreruust ttha entexds ni the atalrel actpes of het npos ndwo toin eth l)daelmu
    • tacpymShite awtahyp: aemdga estsrlu in plslraeitia Hnreors’ rydsn,ome ttha is lirpaat potsis and a amsll uppil smioi)s(

  3. The rlue fo NC s’4 l(aso dfoun in 0A0F22 50p)4
    • 4 acnarli neersv in the mluaedl )XI-(IIX
    • 4 ni eht psno IIIV(-V)
    • 4 boaev eht npos 2( ni eht manbid=ri II,I ,VI 2 in the c=toxre I, I)I
    • hTe 4 moort lniuce taht rea in eht meiindl rea shote thta iedidv qleluya tnoi 21 (tpexec I nda II,) unicilgnd II,I V,I IV dan IIX ,(V VII, XI nad IXI era ni eth erllata tsnbreim)a
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cassdawg  ySror fro the amirotngtf ukcf pu +1
drdoom  aag@dscsw steb ot daiov oidng ensdte sitl.s beeswit od'nets mees ot kile thta :P brttee ot attsr a nr“bad ”ewn lits for ahce lltite tsnuoisbce adnik htnig :) ..sp tasocngr no uory MPV fo hte aeYr !ardwA +2
unknown001  htsi is eth ostm xoclpme ruticep i heav ense no binra smet +

Wow can we talk about how amazing this image is? Thanks for sharing!

+/- motherhen(69)

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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I egt hwy sti aeratll btu otdn lal rlciaan rneve xcteep 4 arsei t?lnlryaeV FWT teyh dad isht sroDo eorebf eral?lat

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qfever  I tkinh sti' eth lnsueuc fefecadt in aertlal emrdlyaul ynmdsero satnide( fo eth neerv )xanos +
nerdstewiegriffin  scBauee ni eht ldmealu oicsetn het nslcueu si oaldsr oortm lcuesnu of X +
doctordave  Tehy lal etix het ibersamtn ,vntelalry utb eth luneic can eb aecldot eedp hwniit the seabtmnri +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by abhishek021196(119)
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rearle a oeilcbriresrrrteoty eirPonf P[]CIA siepuspl

  1. ltrLaae malelud
  2. sNeculu agubsumi NC( I,X X, IX)
  3. sletaVurib cneliu
  4. tlraLae htiiolamcaspn ctatr, aplisn arinmgeitl ueusncl
  5. eytahSpcmti fsberi
  6. onfirrIe bceeerlral dpucnele

Deaamg ot ICPA ucsase taalLre ydamerlul l(lsmrWeygonrbnaee)d.

Disaahpgy, ho,sessarne f,elagr sareecgd deex iscoiniVp,ht.umcg rtg,eivo anessudmed aa tgsireypcn nad pmrureteate oensft nsmorai rtlaaelcaotrn ,oesitpl rdaaiybl cefaptIialal.s re eonrrH aslldmIrpeti.oyanres axaiat, .adetsryim

cuNlsue uumsbiga ctfesef raspceicfei to ACIP sol.neis

n’D“ot cikp a (PIC)A ossan)hreee h(rsso that acnt’ .adtl oeAsa”h)pysa(ig uilssppe nifriore lrb epncdulereeclae (patr fo )eecllebrmu.

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by welpdedelp(270)
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This aws eartall dumllera ymorsend aak olroredsatla rantcif fo eht .APIC

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