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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#18 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old man has loss of pain and ...
Right dorsolateral medulla 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: FA20p504

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 +26  upvote downvote
submitted by m-ice(370)
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The panitte ahs ssol fo napi dan pereuetrmat no the tighr ides of ihs aecf. Stnnsoiea of eth acfe si rai,eaispllt os eth iseus smut eb on teh s'taneitp rihtg sedi, whchi we can rfnocmi by gnnkwoi ttha oisnasent fo eth dybo is tt,nlrraeaacol dna he ash tosl etlf sdied ainp dan trreumtpeae fo teh

niPa dan eteuratmpre ssninaeto fo the ybdo si tarp of hte mlntsiaapihoc tat,cr hhcwi wlasya usnr llataeylr rhtuogh eht hiTs can be coeimrdfn by gmieerbenrm ttah naostines to het efca aols snur aryalltle torughh het enrtsb.mai oS, ew nca irncomf siht si a ihgrt ddsie telalra antmrbsie eiuss.

eTh lsso fo agg fleexr dna sryasapli fo het vlaoc cdors mypil iitaprmmen fo acianlr eernvs XI and X, thbo of chihw aclolezi ot teh lu.emdla f,erheeoTr teh arnsew si trghi osarlrodealt la.eldum

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duat98  oeYr'u a odog na.m +6
charcot_bouchard  uYo mstu be dnemhoas too +14
amy  heT lodasr sv vlneatr si soucnifg!n +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by brethren_md(105)
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talreLa Mreuldyla Sdreyomn ln(Wgeaerlb) - ese AF orf roem e.itdlas tsmpyomS rfo htis orsndeym match pu twhi athw is bieng ep.sdeentr

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by cassdawg(1780)
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limSpe" serul of hte nsm"bireta (drteci ot uro yontaam sgdo ta UofL rfo irnonazi,gg aslo hist iaegm si iugcnkf targe orf sialvu elrenrsa:)

  1. ereTh era 4 eutrcustrs ysalwa ni the dmi‘neil‘ ngingebin hitw M
    • ortoM thawpya or( lipsinootcrca tct)ar: geadma eutsslr ni raealatonlcrt wnkeases of teh rma nda elg
    • delaMi iusLencms: aagdme ersulst in rtlclaeanotar sosl of obiirvnat and pcnrtpiepriooo in het ram and gel
    • eaMidl ngunailtdoil scciusflua: agmaed tsuelsr in itaairelslp trina-crenlue omlipephgaolath aefu(irl fo dicaodtun fo eth isrpeaialtl eye dwasotr the soen adn ssnatuymg ni eth ppostioe eye sa it soolk yelat)larl
    • rMoot seulnuc dna rveen: eaamdg tursels in apiriaelslt sols of eht lciaarn vreen tath si ffdceeat III,( V,I IV ro )XII

  2. hreeT era 4 csurtestur to eht e‘s‘id erll)ata( nniebging tihw S
    • eroSbpceeilrnla hapawty: edmaag ltessru in aaripsleilt taaaxi fo eth amr nda gle
    • tlimpiSnaacoh ayaphtw: edmaag srelstu in crlatntlraaeo olaretaint of anpi dna tmerrpeateu eifcagntf teh ,amr elg and lryear eth nrukt
    • syrSeon sulunec fo NC V: dgmaae etsrsul in astiaeprlli tnrlaiteao fo apin nda erepteartum no hte acef in teh ndtriiiotsub fo CN V sh(it nueuslc is a olng lvecriat rsuurectt atth xdstene in eth tealral tepacs of eht npos donw ntio teh ul)daelm
    • pcSeatthimy ayhpawt: emgaad ursltse ni saipltearil soenrr’H mdonyes,r ttah is ratlaip isostp dan a masll ilppu oims(s)i

  3. hTe leru fo NC 4’s (also dfoun in 0202AF p450)
    • 4 alcrnia reevsn ni hte dmlauel III()XX-
    • 4 ni het pson VVI)(I-I
    • 4 boaev hte spno (2 in eth =iamdnrbi ,III V,I 2 in hte c=texro I, II)
    • eTh 4 rotom ielucn atth rea ni teh iiemndl are ehtos atht viddei lylqaeu toni 21 e(ecpxt I nad ,I)I nudgcilni III, IV, VI nad IIX V(, V,II IX dan IXI aer ni eht ertaall bistrne)ma
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cassdawg  yrSro rof het nagrotimft fcku up +1
drdoom  c@aasdswg etsb to ovdai gnodi dtsene twesbie esd'otn esem ot iekl taht :P brette to trast a arn“bd w”en slti orf hcea titlle utseoncbis ainkd gnthi :) .p.s ncsrogat on ruyo MVP of the Yrae rwaAd! +2
unknown001  shti si het tmso poxmecl rutepci i eavh eens on anibr mtes +

Wow can we talk about how amazing this image is? Thanks for sharing!

+/- motherhen(69)

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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I get yhw sti ralltea tub tdno all cnaailr nreev tcxepe 4 isera ?anyrllVet FTW tyhe dad isht Droos eefbro la?aretl

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qfever  I khtni ts'i het sucnleu fcteadef in trallae ldemaulry ydrnoems seaind(t of teh vrnee os)nxa +
nerdstewiegriffin  saBeceu ni eht maduell econtis eht unecusl si asoldr ortom uelucns of X +
doctordave  yheT lal texi eth snbametri ntaverlyl, but eth enliuc anc be tdoecla eped whitin hte inrmebats +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by abhishek021196(119)
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nPeritaarflrirrberort sooc e ereleyi I]P[AC iupspsle

  1. reaaltL ledmaul
  2. Neuclsu uaimgsbu NC( ,XI X, I)X
  3. reulasibVt ucnlie
  4. eLlrtaa cmphioilsnata ctt,ar iaspln igraliemnt suelcun
  5. Siypahmtect fsberi
  6. erofiIrn aberlrcele uncdepel

Deaagm to IAPC sasceu telLraa dmyelrual sgobern.aml yWenl)(dre

pgiDahysa, eshoarenss, eee,rdggear l fdxacse n,ps couhctigmi.Vi ieovr,tg gascrnmeds neseaad ptyui nad errtateupem nfsanosimt ore letnacrlraoat ea,odtpsy ibrilla acfe.iaarsletl Ip rHrneo ilreyseslmpoIrnatda. a,iatax da.irmyest

clNsuue aumbigus fetefsc paceesr icif ot PICA ei.snlos

n’t“oD pkci a AIPC() ens(roeahs)s roseh ttha ’cnta ts)apagyd(olA a.ei”hs ieplpsus irfinroe erlende llbrpaccuee r(apt of b)ecumlleer.

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by welpdedelp(270)
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shiT saw eallatr eldlruma nymdsreo aak aortsollrdae atcfrin of het APC.I

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