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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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LV psptedo ginw,ork seeurrsp kbdeca pu iotn mulp .cticriu ulPm ricctiu hylroug is deam fo 3 t"aps"r - the csipi,eraall naitretitlis cse,pa nad the .elaolvi

nI gracoineicd k,soch eht axetr lbdoo rsnaisece prallyaci tycstrhdioa psreersu, ivgirnd ldfui tion eth itrletsniiat se.cap mroCeadp to teh ,oliealv eth enlaititrtis csaep won has eorm dulif uh(st moer arsnittlitie hyradtstcoi srperseu nad essl oinocct prsuesre eud to rtoai of fudli to ,eipon)tr adn sa a ustler fo ihst ugnnniaalcb of osc,ref lfudi soemv iont eth aoevlil t-;g-& aypmuronl daeme.

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  • cirrhosis = liver issues = liver not producing albumin.

= decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure (pressure pulling fluid into the vessels)

= fluid moves out of the vasculature and into the interstitial space (third spacing)

 +32  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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tiaPs'etn potsmsym bgean 03 inm arfte wnmogi nlaw (..ei ftare diogn cslaipyh vy)itat.ic He has sreeev tsceh npia nad si c,loo myam,cl dtarhce.oiip He has nrdcseeai noyupralm eyrtra spreesru nad caridesne tfle alatir nTkae lteh,oaretg iths is dirgaieoncc .hskoc

cidgeiCorna sockh is a hetra upmp rpboelm -- the LV tins' .kginwor

nWhe het LV, si'tn ogw,nkir ti sucase a cabk pu ni the netroiicd sopoepti to hwo odlbo oalnryml sf.lwo ,eTerfoehr dlboo llwi cabk up in hte ngls.u

hisT asucse acdersine lpliyarca ctshtriyoad eresusrp -;g&t- isth dvsier eomr uifdl oint teh mnuirteittsi &-;gt- siht acessu neisecrad tritltenasii iodstcthrya upesresr -t-&;g ethre si onw erom filud tahn rmalon ni hte euttiritmsni g;-t-& isht ceasfft teh retoipn atiro tiiwnh het trntiietmsu --g&t; htsi ucsaes eerscaded rttiliinatse conicot srsupere.

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targetusmle  weoaemsly dpleneixa ): +
lilyo  siTh asw lzamgnaiy xpnaileed Taknh uoy He@!oll +
pseudopseudopth  orF ameed to uccor 'tloshnud ntattiliirse oocitcn epesrrsu eb wceasdnihrn?e(e tirpneos rea e,reht htey anc upll hte iul)df +1
pseudopseudopth  Adn wehn edicnrsae tltstiiearni tahidrtsoyc rpseeusr si rpesue,rs tosl'udnh it oesppo the mdeea yb sugpihn tngaais ti? +1
pseudopseudopth  h*wne iattnterlisi sctitayrohd rsueersp si enciedras +2
pmofmalasia  Yuo nto'd enlcsaysire eden to haev rnadcsiee cocnito esseurr,p o'ryeu errcotc in ahtt dcadrseee nciooct repsresu owudl cta inatgsa gcuinsa aemde utb sa olgn sa eht etn eanhcg ni ocfsre llist ctas "fro" demea ti llwi sllti cF.c uoorr malpeex in iths nocerais, fi het pcylialar shrotadcity esrerusp si regtrae thna hte naghec ni reitasltntii titcrhosady dan iotccno ersolspusAe,sr. eth nahegc ni itltastreni raciythotsd nad conciot esrsersup is a eritcd usrelt of het emdea in isth con,sirae os its' emor elik thyre'e pnesirlobes ofr tetngsi teh new qmlbiiriuue - fi teyh ndi'dt oernccattu i,t ou'yd nerev coem to a nptio rewhe hte ekaegla of ifudl so.stp +
kcyanide101  eyH sygu esaple phel em .mi.arff.. so easdb fof ryou i,npelntxaao fi it erwe lmyoophiecv ycirallpa tycaoHtsdri eerrspsu liwl pro,d deu ot lobdo ls..os. tiietisnatlr aihcotyrtds Prursese lilw prdo sa ildfu llwi vome onit the rialeclasip ot alanecb isnght uto dan itlrantestii nctiooc spesreru lwli nceraeis edu ot ifdul sols romf the IS STIH ERCO?RTC nxt +

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