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NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 1/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
During a study of the regulation of ...
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tags: cell_bio cell_transport cell_trafficking

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submitted by azibird(279)
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hiTs si eth tsmo olpoyr ardwn lecl dmia.arg I ese zore miosbsro,e os I ugrdfei F saw eht moosth ciodslmnepa .miuctrleu ,wevoerH now I nac see tath hte deuvrc lgeaelnro si teh gglio raatpupas nda F tums perneerst eth eowlh saepmnicdlo trlui.emcu

I eeieblv apmlas mnaeermb oienrstp era nhzdietysse in the hgoru dsmaoeicpln .eirtuucml

220A0F oh6gpR 4u nodcieplsam muuei irttceSl of inessysht of ecosertyr xpoerte()d eisnrpto nda fo i-eNldnk carligeisaochdo taonidid ot yslaoomsl adn oreth orsei.tnp

eeFr steuosmrbeodthc—ania ot ayn reb;mneam ites of tiyessnsh of olic,tysco ,aomsrioelpx nad aoodnrilicmth ro.intpse

oSomth aspciemnlod mSicueu tiretl fo rostide sshynseit dna odxiftcnitioea fo usgrd nad issnpoo. ksLac scrfuea .ssiroebom aonctioL fo ehsoap-pchaeusg6sl-to t(asl tesp fo syloyg)ngo.seilc

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nbmeanswersownersucks  I aws dnreu eht seimorpisn taht sottniraaln of nnaramtbremes osnirept igesbn iwht eoosrbsmi ni eth ayotscmlp taht hnet alcasetnrto ot het rguho ER econ het nsagil esqenuce is recdhae by the ie?mbsoor i..e tilanhcelyc anosnrltati sngeib in het ypacsotml utb ssehnfii in teh uhgor ER. Am I ogrnw baout h?tat +5
nbmeanswersownersucks  It was OUWDRL 4564 auotb inlunsi itl.snaatonr yheT astet htat eht iortnsaaltn is daiittnie in the ptcmsolay neth roetcasel to het ERR t/(d the nlgias ne)ueeqcs nad si ehisfnid rhte.e oS si rtehe a ecnfidefer in nistoatanrl estsp fro tnsipoer atht aer xcedtree eikl suniinl nda eebrmnanrmsta neositpr? +2
nsinghey  Saem, I am nto sure uatbo My etbs uessg is hatt eisnc lsnuini si tno a nutaoinfcl pon,iert it si ton eynshsedtzi ni the RER ee(nv gohhtu ti it xcetdree fmro eht l).cle ctAlua otniespr aer adme in eht ERR +2
kevster123  I usjt utp F csaeu ti dsia nmetenmrarabs dasoinm dna I nwko teh roguh ER gto a tlo of lbasl on it hatt traasentl ti guhrhot dan ot aleatsnrt uotghrh het lalsb e'oyur agnsspi ruohtgh rnbse.amem +
drdoom  mcawurrssobwsek@esnenn eisgynh@n et .al eerhT is enextisev iuonsssdci fo sith on na ENMB 42 .heratd Tish nlki will akte yuo to the tmnecsmo (sutj 'dont locsrl pu ot lpsoi eht enswra ofr fles)uro!y: p3c.9wme9n1a/7r/se:9x2s/nnas3ombmt/4eehb#/tm +
drdoom  a,osl iths teadhr mrfo MNEB 12 ussdssice clel rottprsna meor ragyleeln msa(e gannrwsi p!ylpa otdn' losrlc )u:!p o5tam1s:2bnmr4/7scem#//xneep2sm.wb7/n/ht2ea +
brise  eTh esinoqut si isygan rhwee si ti ilyniatil ?cedopdru It is dpoucedr in the E,RR etehefrro F. oNt igansk eerhw st'i cupondriot srtta-s gsakin eherw si it prcudode ec.t +3
chj7  'mI tno rues if hsti is twah eth uqoitnse was tgryin ot aks but chillneatcy eth o"yptlp"pidee is ilniatily qecneedus ni the syoot;cl eocn het ntaim-eNlr insalg seuneqec si d,ineshzyets RSP rotaasstncle bmsiosroe to teh rER wreeh trinsanoalt t/mlccuteinoeosspne adn eht "neroit"p is eofdedmdo/flr ni ER.r (I keli WU 75's7# radiamg on o)sSith if yeth ytulr nema heewr teh rceurspro "t"eporin is iinytllai eordmf, ErR si ou.rttre Bcc ltsnyhoe hte eoabv is a way oot mpcloex form of nnihtikg hatt I efel lowdu ONT lphe no hte auctla mexa and osmt kiyell srytas aayw fmor hte gnirlena objeivcet fo hist uinq;teso meor ylelki hte teoqiuns itwrser rwee yrntgi ot iiusnhgsdti tbw seoitrpn saaoldetntrc to het ErR bmn(eemra r,tpoiesn ctreryose pinetsr,o /lGoglEos/lasyioRm otsn)erpi .vs nristeop ttah rea nitszdyhsee by reef eoimbsosr onc/stuoslocyolel( inosrt,pe xslome/opari esom naicrohiolmdt ni.ope)tsr +1


+2/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by jbrito718(48)
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areA l:ad e=eAbl oi=nrida htBmco o Clg=iG lCle cemole =E nouessLmres/omavybsaD= olmCpasyt or eref smobiseoR v)s ejFb(tiecu= gR]u[oh pEnoaclsidm eutiuclRm

cuersorrP ietornp lwuod be gmcnio fmor olntnitaars of mANR hhiwc lowud paehpn ni eth ugrho ER

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