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NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 1/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
During a study of the regulation of ...
F (cell diagram) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: cell_bio cell_transport cell_trafficking

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submitted by azibird(279)
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hsiT si the stmo lorpyo anwdr clel damgrai. I see zero oos,brsmie so I gdriufe F asw teh tmsooh lsoacinpmed crmtuelui. eve,wHro nwo I nac ees ahtt hte cedurv noerallge si hte oglgi uptprasaa dna F tums erenrsetp hte eowlh psdmenaloci utlurecmi.

I beiveel apmlsa nembamre tsnperoi ear eszhdnetisy ni hte gorhu poecinamdsl mrteu.ucli

FA2200 gu6ophR4 aielomcdsnp uteilmtueSc ri of isysetnsh fo oerrsetyc )dte(oxpre penrotis and of lNe-iknd rdgaisclaioehco inddiota to amslolosy nda orhet ersptio.n

eFre edasiothroa—etusnmbc ot yan nmerbm;ae tsei of itshnsyse of ytiocslco, pio,oxrmeasl nad tilcodhionarm .sopernit

othSmo aodmcspelin tSiui muelcret fo irsoedt ienhssyst dna idictxtnioeofa of srgdu dna .osopsin Lscka safcuer obs.iesorm aLicnoot fo -essuotphghpsa-aolc6e sal(t step of .ssygleogliny)oc

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nbmeanswersownersucks  I wsa nrude het smneiirspo htat ltntaoniars fo amnbeemransrt sioneprt iensbg itwh isremoobs ni the potlmsyac that nhte stneroaatcl to het guorh RE cone teh lgsnai eesuneqc si aeecrdh by hte sboroi?em nyehaclctil lsaanoitnrt egsbin in het tplyocams tub seiisnfh ni the grouh ER. mA I ogrnw botau tt?ah +5
nbmeanswersownersucks  tI swa WORUDL 4456 uatob snlnuii lnit.notaars hyTe sttea htta eht ialatrnotns si ndtiieita in teh ptlcsaomy hnet atsloerec to the ERR (t/d eht iangls qsune)eec dan si ndiefsih So si terhe a reeicefdfn ni ntsnaoalrit tseps fro rniopset ttah ear ecedterx ikle iiulnsn dan tbsreraennmma i?nsteopr +2
nsinghey  maSe, I ma not ures aubot ihs.t My estb ssuge is htta nseci isnnliu si ton a nnoflctiau noprie,t it si otn zhsdtsieyne in eth RER eenv( thhugo ti ti ceteredx frmo the .cll)e Aauctl iroeptns are eamd in eth RER +2
kevster123  I sujt upt F ascue ti asdi rsnemartmenab odamnis and I nkwo eth urhgo RE ogt a lto of alslb on it ttah rsataenlt ti htrugoh nad to tseatrlan htougrh teh sabll o'uery spgasin rhghuot mra.eemsnb +
drdoom  os@sbewkmrsnaunnwsrcee ny@isnghe te .al Treeh is tesvixnee niidossucs of iths on na ENBM 24 heatd.r sThi ikln iwll ekta you ot hte scmomtne (jtus o'dtn rlolcs pu to ospli het wnesra fro r:f)lsyue!o :n.smrns9ahxt9tebse/caen7/4m9/1pmm2/#bowe33/ +
drdoom  os,al tshi atherd form MNBE 21 ssdcuiess elcl norsrptta emor relngeyal amse( nwrgsnia palp!y nod't lrocsl up:)! b/o2772as:2xm/ssm5nen/4cptt/ +
brise  heT sutiqneo is isynga rweeh si it liyniiatl ?opdeurcd tI is uodedrpc ni the ,RRE orreefeht F. oN t gknias rheew t'is udonrtopci rtst-as igansk hweer si it opdceudr ec.t +3
chj7  m'I tno reus if this is athw the sqtienou asw gyrnti to kas btu ichnylaetlc teh "eto"ylppepdi si lailiytin qdceseeun in eth yt;scool coen teh tr-nlmiNae ilsgan qecuesne si zhstynede,si SRP eraasnttsloc bresmoois to hte RrE hwree ltsonatnira unioel/ssteoetnccpm dan eth on"r"pite si lodrfedfoe/dm in RrE. (I elik WU 75s7#' arimdag no ioths)S fi heyt rulyt mane hrwee eht prurercso re""npiot is lyinialti fdeo,mr REr is o utcBrt.rec yntlhsoe het aeovb is a yaw oot mloepxc rmof of nnkgitih atth I feel luwod NTO pelh no het altuca amxe dna smto elkyli tsasry waya mfro teh ninalreg itbjcevoe fo isth nqitu;oes mreo kielyl hte qisenout trseiwr erwe nytrgi ot sdsnhiugtii tbw peostnir cntoetaadrls ot teh REr (rmmbeane i,tronesp rosereytc iensrt,op lRso/EgllmGyi/sooa tpnr)eios .sv trposine that rae ntsiyehzeds by refe rbsmisoeo n(otysclluoos/ecol oesinp,tr xoemoapl/rsi mseo ohoailnrdmcit stepo.)rni +1


+2/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by jbrito718(48)
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eraA el=a dlebA: ono acirmi=hdtB =g iCloG ellC bus rc/=ee=olmemvoDynssmsaLeaEo sCyaomtpl ro efer oiRbeosms evjetc=isu()Fb g]oRh[u sdiElpanmoc liumRucet

crsrruoeP rnpoeti ulodw eb oimncg rfom oatitnnsalr of RNAm ihchw lowud ppneha in teh ourhg RE

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