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submitted by โˆ—iceberglettuce(15)
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The iuqsnote mset eeidsscrb a amn ihwt urpedesm tahcsirtoot oennyit.osph CZTH is seidaotacs ihwt this cnndioito yb( unigasc a elrvatie plveio,hya)om and his ospmtmys fo gelinef atinf nwhe sigtnti up too yiqcukl alos hactm ncyl.ei

hWne he sntsda, agyivrt esasuc a bisiodritnrute fo dobol to his sleg, uscanig sdeaderce uovsne rrneut.

thatircOost nsotynohpei is enfdedi yb an qaaiuenedt areborpcroet epsrneso, hceen ereacedsd tropeabroerc ycaivtit.

st,layL ew nkow ihs areberlc oodlb fowl si deerecdsa fi eh is neiglfe d.iyzz

Hlelupf g:maie Ppin.nglnaoleahairas/gual--iadairh.d/lndg5/ncyctulenHo.00hirgi1cawtoee-ntg1ctniest/yu2t-:/ooat-ocgfp/dpnianp/pss-ctcOstsy

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trazobone  I got ctuks eentbew naidrscee sv. sedaeerdc brorocarepte vi.taiytc So ym wakaeyat omrf htis si thta hte ceabooerprtr yatitvci illw cedrasee dsrelsgera nseci eetrh is a edcrease ni nesvuo .urrnte yeK sihspmae is in iadetuaneq eororberctap So cvitaity adesesrec btu tno onhgue to mpestoneca beesacu eovsun rnrtue is veylesre ecrase,ded cenhe the irtcothasot nhntpeo.isyo +1

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submitted by โˆ—namesthegame22(13)
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eTh udacsvcaalrrio semsyt mstu jdtasu to olatsupr nhseagc to maintina equaaedt rpfnouise urerpsse ot het dahe dan purpe .bydo

ocrrpaetBesro ni teh dirctao ussni adnriao tc char ttdcee ghacnes in purrsees dan ltaustmei eth b'dsoy RSAnoeNECprsE(es.I I)FNGIR

qaIdneeuat iacurtlrvsana muvloe letsurs in psmmcaoityt ttciohaotsr oytp.snoihen

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namesthegame22  icsn^edrae nrifig ni a alethhy p.etinta s A einoetnmd bevoa, tihs aitetpn had "qteniueada rocbrtoerpae "pnresose +

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