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NBME Step 2 CK Free 120 Answers

step2ck_free120/Block 3/Question#85 (reveal difficulty score)
A 9-month-old boy is brought to the office by ...
Skeletal survey 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: peds

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submitted by anonmedstudent(3)
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Teye'hr eisibdrcng bluale 22/ to ewatr ubrn ofmr gippdni eht bb onit hto aewtr t-urtbfits

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submitted by osler_weber_rendu(160)
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neEv fi ee'wr cgsisetpun au,seb eth srewan ushodl be ot acttcno dchli eevrtctipo seircevs. tah W if het rbseua sedo tno hti eth di?lhc Can eb ueabs hitw a eng tkeealls urvsye yawayn

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len49  icPk eht bets wearsn fo eth icoshec, not nlrcisayese atwh uyo luwdo od in aelr lfi.e +1
drdoom  enl94@ Sue,r ubt in hatt aces yrue’o tno inaysg uchm tubao w/h/y eS“ekllat vs”urye si teh tebs rewnsa cciohe fomr teh mdn-Bf-rNmMe.fao-Ei naC uyo baa?otrele +
drdoom  selr@o My eugss is tath a eesktall srveyu is athw c“ec”lhsni ceeviden fo gnognoi ,uasbe seinc estkllea eusrysv cna aerevl oebn and ustsei ijuyrn at rinvy/ag (t)mei ssegta fo hea,ilng/ ihhcw is eht ndki of necdevei SPC is ggion to eedn ot ebstlhais a NRPTEAT fo subea nad ciisdrtde amslic elki “ihst was utsj a mo-tieen c’i‘.ndte”ac +

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submitted by dnazmzm(2)
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I tthuohg teh abyb asw eitntb by rzdila ehtn I ddni't kwon wtha mscSeaaochrcy ierveicsea aw,s so I hguhtto it wsa ihetsnogm eedltra to a dazrli !ol!l! oto vmena?iiagit

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charcot_bouchard  DO TNO CPIK NOGMEIHTS U VERNE RDEAH .lOU nsFse u uyellotbas esur taht enon fo ohrset rae nto eth nwesar +

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submitted by bwdc(697)
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I htikn het tsondpiceri here is a ittlel do,d utb ’hteyer getisgngsu he’erts ndveecei fo yellra iouesrs psn.gkina Wrevhene the ysrot ’netdos aemk sesen ro ehert rea yna ocrgecnnni haiyslcp mxea is,gfndni ti si triacicl ot wrok up fro nlnaoiedtcnac t.amrua

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submitted by charcot_bouchard(574)
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tAuec toesn fns.uissse

Sgmoiehtn os metinponr ni cshu a mitnrpoen lpeca ilek( a ybba gnnao ened xsnpigoe his tbstouck aselver s)etim nda mom is leki GOM WNE YBAB HsWA"T THSI

eupctSs auebs.

i swa iliitynal iedpkc UGS TUI(R t&;g sutsIocinpue)nt but hreset on enniotm fo aodialbnm napi.

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submitted by shaz464(1)
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Tihs aws a eyllra ginfnocsu otu.etsqPin egibn gisdesaon ithw RUI adn thne llueba I wa'nts thgnikni fo auesb at lla. If htis is hwo eht xmea lliw be I kinth Im' ddom eo. (:

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