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NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 2/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 47-year-old man comes to ...
Fibrillation potentials in multiple muscles of multiple extremities ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: neuro inc

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submitted by โˆ—iluvlamp(17)
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MGE + reenv uotndcconi iestdsu ckuiq and rtdyi sa I riedt to laenr ni my onure tooit:anr


  • itrnes eedn:el get osme aicttvyi bc het ledeen can areirtti the ucsmle sife,rb oyu nac ellt cb hwen you sirnte het eed,lne oyu aerh osnie lintu yuo spot vngmio eth deelne
  • ehlytha u/rsevlcesnme: ta ,tsre uoy will see inlmami trlcleeaci tyiavtci cpeetx orf the socnoalaci slmecu apednlte an.iotlept lAl ehrto eetrillcca tivactyi ta sert is ciahpoglot adn enmsa oyu ogt fosleyur a pmlobre
  • otraibsii:llnF cmoe mofr dnvedearte emcslu fseb,ir whcih jsut nlouontsyepas fires klie czary acesu they stlo tiehr nctatoc hitw reith ervne adn htye enyllo .FA seTeh appnhe slreaev ad-sewksey efrat iincgnit ,teiaenorvdn nto imdi.etlyame hsti is ahwt we dwlou ees whti SAL
  • oyctonMi gs:eahcdirs sltli notd' tepocmlely nddastreun sthi e,on tbu I knhit teh stgi si yhte nac occur sa uyo eovm hte eedlen onuard ni thahlye sulcem, btu typhaaclgoioll moer itvenaiicd of a oocmtiny lcmaursu reosddri or rheto paymytho otn nrvee lareetd I( luocd tills be mllepoeyct wrngo obatu thsi oen)
  • lrytenec deerdtnaev l:cumse wlo ot no eersvN oewgrr oylwls eorv a rpoeid fo a few wseek nad liwl hsow eomr lecalticre tacivity on ,MEG reescdibd sa wol meuidplat nda osrth ouraditn (orthean rnesaw hoce)ic

erevN onitncudoc

  • SLA is a morto enunor da-esise ennmagi ti not'w tfeacf sryons-e so ouy ot'nd txpeec ot see ceahnsg ni oesynsr rsnssp.eeo
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nicspabi  rE"cliosengactdoit situdse lptylycai tmeosntreda snisg fo MNL ntodiync,sfu wtih otvdeneirna ni tplemliu ucelsm pguors (neve aasmpotymitc umecls Teh dvdereeatn rifseb euaptgruel olincheyetacl eprcrseot (as teyh on grneol cirevee tnipu fomr the ueunorulmrcsa n,iunco)tj edlgnia temh to cemeob eyvnrietpsesih to cenlaytilehoc nda opoasynltnuse ar;idhegcs htis siatefmsn as swieadrdpe bitiailsrnlfo nad ipevosit arpsh weasv if(rcneglet ptsnsuanoeo tpiliez)roandao on yshcoiieporgllcoet .d"etusis otnsieuUWQ :dI 12791 +

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submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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llI be teh oyCowb.

iDgassin:o LAS

litMuepkis and aousclicfitan sonaClpeti ,tlpemxo erttieeivp isredhsacg crcuo ni SAL of nogl audi,nrto sa htye od in othre hconicr rgonneeiuc iotphrca osi.coitdnn Teehs aer glarueryl snaghdcgiri kstuimpeli teioaslpnt atth rae il-cteedmko. teOhr ahnt na EGM difnnig siedacaots whti a nchcior crineuenog atoirhcp c,tnnodioi ihts gndnifi has on trheo nuqeiu n.egiafiicscn

aonutlsiaFcic pntaltiose era snee nyutqrlefe utb tno aiilynarbv in A.LS Theri rnpescee is ont fsepcici ot S;LA eyht yma urocc ni rheto iton,iscdno oems oelceyltpm e.bngni

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Hey you... I just want to say I love you :-)

+3/- seagull(1933)

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep5(246)
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  • gunoY mna twih choircn neaswsek woh has UMN slesion sBki(bain is)gn and LMN islones t(o,yahpr )aibolrfltsiin, msot istsnoncet wtih coartiyphmo ltaaler scelsorsi SAL(), wihhc slade to tiariofnlilb tpeliaotn ni lteiulmp smlcues on rtmacyrygehlopeo
  • Kye :iaed SAL efton srtnpsee wiht nseaswek ni ansdh, uditficlyf wswiglanol k(lie ni htsi etin)a,pt and chagsen ot vioce


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submitted by โˆ—jesusisking(31)
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drdoom  ende more bcswoyo ni esteh eehr rapts .. +3

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