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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man who is admitted to the ...
Determine whether the patient has decision-making capacity ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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tnooAmuy is het osmt trtapnmio icthes ecrilppin ttha uerespsdes lal tehsro. weHe,ovr ti si epdplai lony in saiotutnsi in hihwc a nptaeti snsmedotetra nkdiimosnagce-i In stih touasi,tni a teitpna iwht vnedcdaa sseiaed liynkule ot be redcu is nguresif t,rentemta chihw si ihs igrth rdenu eht lipecipnr fo yuot.moan wr,voeHe shi cmnotmes oatub r"iunrgetn ni 6 omnsth aterf riugnc tri"hsiatr rea ,enloiauqbtes nda wnarart tdrieemnign if eh has dnosiice mgnaki a.aycpitc It si lsespboi taht he ,edso ihwch is ywh yna occehsi fo coinfgr rftuehr earentttm on hmi are ct.rciorne

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hungrybox  hseTe ihctes utnosiqes essme so mlisep nad tey sowmhoe I waalys tge emth gr.own I suges peed donw 'Im ujst a mbaugc.s +20
mutteringly  yeH etr'esh awysal adetnl ohlsoc +5
hungrybox  iglte meda me l,lo snkhat ofr hatt +1
jurrutia  l,oAs teh ienatpt si ol!uldnasei He thinsk hs'e ogngi ot uecr rtir.hasti ouY o'ndt eavh disnioec kngmia iaayctpc nwhe oyeur' zacry. +1
madamestep  lc,utyalA uoy ltsoebyaul cna ehva csiimikndga-eon pacaytic henw eouyr' r.aycz ouY tsju deen to evah a oligcal oarens for your sdenicio for siht eon .sicendoi sloA ti spededn no het desncoii: msoonee hiwt DA ithgm nto vaeh nidecios agmikn acitapyc fro etrih goln mter aenttmret or hsgoniu ,sened btu teyh tghim evha csniodei nmikga aicyactp ntwebee wot rugd cosihec eigbn +

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submitted by โˆ—marypoppins(1)
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hyW cat'n ti eb occihe E? I ssdamue eht ntipeat ahd bip.olra

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submitted by โˆ—beetbox(6)
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anC esnooem pealixn mroe no owh to kelcta these epyts fo uetnssqo?i I kusc ta hetse nsotequsi ofr l.r.a.e To m,e he oneusdd yrttpe saen nad eonsarleab e(osd otn hsiw to swtae htroe o'lppsee mn.)oey uSer he tigmh eb duern ightsl esroiedpns dgujgni owh eh ash a tminlera illsens adn hsi enatttems no ohw yobdno esrac for .mhi tBu nsseul he is henntroice or ialdgnsypi cmgiaal tknihing, issgn of osls fo myrmeo .,ect hyw dushlo he eb duevaeatl no kidigescn-maion ?atcciyap

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drdoom  in eimladc lnecapra, uyo nac eb os pedesedrs atht ouy're tcaalluy teconlvgyii a.rdepmii tihs is nowkn sa .sedentmpiudeoa uhst, oyu need to gfueir u:to siโ€œ iths gyu so ersdseedp ew can edme mhi npeotntcmie to maek eiโ€cs?sodin +
rockodude  eh sasy eh hsa na ntnoivien to ecru raittsihr ni 6 mhostn 'hlel eb bc..ak ont arnoml o.mi at lstea ofr siht noeiquts ahstt the niel htat adem em nkthi seod shit sernop haev ipaatycc +

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