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NBME 23 Answers

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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@8h98g eucB"sae het csotibrnuto is eobav teh oeralavl engrosi teehr is a adsrecee ni ria flow, ont glnu muelsv,o whchi ouwld eamk tish an uivoscbrtet oa"hlopygt si the sotm eulhplf lentnax.iaop fI you wnok het tmos baics afltpopinethhiidoyog/nsioy of coistuervtb sv eivescrtitr (whhci I od, ujst tdd'ni ni htat smot silimeifpd ,wya) ehnt you nca rfguei hnatigyn o.tu fI ihngtmose si aginpcmti awiyra wfol = ,oieuvtctrbs fi oehmitsgn si piamnitgc yaiwar uvmeol = vert.ictiesr HTKNA !UOY

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burningmoon  woH touab ?spemyameh wryaia vlmeuo ecndgah tub 'ist te.tvcruobsi +3
almondbreeze  i htink OP nteam to sya htat gsenothim ENAIDRGCES wiayra umlvoe = victstrerei +3
jgraham3  I knith hety mena if oenitgshm si tinacimpg UNGL evulom i.(e i/xna)emcnaplepsnoioc = iicewtrrt sayirAev risdodre &;-g-t os.b / celyPmharna odeirdsr ;g&-t- s.rhieWt hepsmmaey hte yriawa lseslcapo s)(ob. feoerb hety are ebla ot xeelah ulylf htus eth ari si aeprdpt +
dna_at  tusJ to be ,laecr sthi si tno a aacsllics riebcvsotut ulgn seeaisd gnifctefa hte lalms iysra,wa sa it si veabo het nracai eaa.)r(cht sihT is btrete ssieaiclfd sa a eixfd rppeu awyria btson.roucti See hte owlf polo heer rfo fidex" obco"ittsurn - ti ceam pu ni DEMI lWUord os baemy miiaefrzlai ersfuoyl tiwh the mgeai sncei ti is qeu!uin mr./spacotm2m/4hi.dts/egp:w/8ege9ww +4
notpennysboat  atd@na,_ cna you pnxliea het ccteonp fo hte urepp raiway nouibsrosct?t I'm iltsl ptryte cdeufsno +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by xkno(5)
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I turhvtoehgo sith neo igb tei.m encSi eth oqnusite isad eht ssma swa igpenrss on eht teidsuo of the aaer,cth I gdiferu ttha gdunri notir,spinai b/c eht hetcs xaendp,s os rmoe speca, so eht mass olwud vhea elss tfeecf on teh taeharc sa het htecs espdxan adn( reney,cslvo 'tid eahv rome of na teffce udnirg iexotnrapi sa hte chste allw ta.c)rrste ,tynreaplpA it aws juts gtaithrs pu aolbcgke dan I thghtuo ayawa ot hda.r osp.O

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by .ooo. (38)
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I lyprleanos tguhtho fo siht nseoitqsu hinkigtn fo ti ni eseth mets.r. Scnei teh tnetiap ahs a asms ni het htaerca apke xrypiatore adn tpryoainris wofl liwl be rnuettride,p nda udolw fhroetere eb eedc.dreas FVC1 wlduo osal have ot deesarec by sh.ti hiTs ainletdiem lal hte hrteo

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charcot_bouchard  Aer ouy M?e +3

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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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Leik yna fo the PO,DC the tpiaten ash a iufdctlfi tiem geihlaxn eth isdrpine iar suth( tis leacld na eoutcbsivtr s)eeidsa

CPDO lutrsse ni FCV srdea,cee 1EFCVF/V atori r,eedcaes RCF aircsene, dan pkee toairyxep lwof scde.reae

A rutmo or nay tehro btocej hatt luowd emsoprcs no or orrnwa teshe eth air ywa rttac udolw rptense as a .DOPC

Iglanihn and nlhagxei odulw eb idelmti

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by visualninjacontender(18)
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It ocldu be htat isht si a edifx prpeu iayawr irtucotn,sbo ichwh oludw vpeentr otnalniif dna tifnaledo of the isyaraw eud ot eht oturm nalcpimg wodn on the a.rcthae

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mrglass(47)
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I diugefr hits saw a vlaeabir oatciantcihrr ucottbirnso dan got it n.wgro

occdirngA to p,oDaetUT amNlulTIRnAi echtalra sbricntouot si blaeariv, ewhil ilTElXanmuAR lhcrteaa otsroniuctb (lkie in ihst sca)e si ifex.d

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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Wyh is hreet a seedraecd VFC? erThe si a amss rinsgpes no reh e,atrahc how ldocu ttha lesboips taeffc gnlu olvem?u If we igve erh ehnuog eitm, why l'ondutc hse atek ni a ullf rta?bhe

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by docred123(9)
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iH syug nac neemsoo elespa brteeoala no ehste igidnsn.f I nanddruset hse sha gnul cncare h'ttsa idigenpm rhe ah.rteca utB woh is iths attevnrpeieers fo an vtusctbiroe rdsoe?dri nrte'A lnug srncaec rterivtceis fi yinna?gth sanh kT

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nlkrueger  I agere taht i'ts ncgiufsno btu I lkooed ta it as a lcyhpias rboutci*nto*s ecnis 'tsi miginngip on the rway.i...a but ayhe dki shti is eriwd +
ferrero  ost'Den hte ataerch heav celgaatir gnsri os ti utowldn' oallepcs hchiw akesm it eems lsse ekil a iycptal vetbuioctrs sord?ierd m'I aellry otn urse hyw VCF uwldo ncehag abuesce I on'dt ees ohw tloat lnug acpyitac or sidualre evoulm uwodl hcegna eaucseb sothe aer atctsi isdctnioon weerh ether is no lafrowi at .lla I nrsdteandu 1EV,F paek rxpoayiret l,fow akep pyrrainisto ofwl .ect +2
mousie  gereA this is a lalrye hutog Q tub I slao ntkih I lryela oerv ughhtto i..t. I tdlimaieen lal whti a aonrml Rotai bc nithegsom ogrubcsitnt udlow ibouvoyls epdcruo an rcivsteubto ettrpna huahgotl I notd' nwok hwy CVF wluod be eeddecra.s I n'twas esru utoab btho aepk rriptoyxea adn iotnsniarpi wfol gienb aeededcrs cna omseone elhp em iwht stih or llte me 'Im llottay kgethorvniin ga.ia.n rea tehy htob dedesraec pismly bc ehstre na icorusttonb .?. +5
mimi21  Yae I otg efdscuon on this iq.oetnsu uBt I ussge yeth dnwaet su ot loko ta ti sa a vubctoseirt aedessi . fI tshi eewr teh sace all fo eshto nuioncft tstse uwodl ec.d ( eSe FA ) +
gh889  eBusace eht csitbutroon si aeovb teh relalova segorni hteer si a dcreesea in rai fw,lo ton nlug ,somevlu chwih wdluo ekma hsit an brcsovtteiu tl.ophgyao +4
charcot_bouchard  CVF rehe ced meas ywa ti dec ni cutrOsivbet gunl isesdea. dRea teh ontccpe fo lquEa pessrrue oinpt of B.Bn heTre eh ayss ni irtbcsihon we hvea vscrtetonui trtpaen eacsebu alfnedmim rawiyas nge mero cntsrs.eiea so EPP cmoes yl.rae I esugs reeh edu to larhcate rawginonr epsurers nci ra.enwosdmt hciwh loacpslse raslelm yw.iaar trusel in rai rantg.pip +1

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submitted by ninja3232(11)
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oT hntik btuoa hits pms,yil ti iyratllle si na surbnoottic os ouy can usjt shooce het aewsnr whit het OPDC eikl P.TFs

s'tI a bti uotrtceninetuiiv thta the VCF udowl eb s,erecdaed ubt the snearo orf hist is ceesuba at eth nde xniatioepr orf C,VF teh esoivpit lpualre rpueress hsgpuni eth ira tou ash ieadzueql whit teh euseprrs fo teh rsmatheoep / wriaya ngiawnt ot keep the oavelil .peno iWth an cenesrai ni het waryai nsteracise mrfo eth ttboos,ucnir isht eqzitaialuno ntipo socme ta a ehrhgi .FVC ebyomSod aftc ecckh me eslpae

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by donttrustmyanswers(74)
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o"ortnadiropsepit ritdeoncu ni het apke yripetxoar fwlo aetr ro muimxam uiemtn vluoem daepmorc htwi het crfdoe axeyrrtiop veoulm in one dseonc VEF.1)( It dslhuo eb ,deotn ,eervowh htta reeth can be a siifgianntc lsos in araiyw trisnocsoce-las eaar rboefe eth otbteoxk agifteltnn of het pyairortnsi ro xoieprryta slopo are s.e"zidvauli


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mamed  ggoloe exdfi repup aiayrw tbiuocrtson - hte mseiyrrpot vucre whoss cddersaee iirtnnaosip dna xtonp.iiaer A lrwoe waraiy onctroubsit sutj nlsbtu t.raponiexi xathoEirtacrc nbtlus inapoiinstr. +1

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submitted by agurl1000(5)
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hsTi tmgih eb a diwahgsfotrtarr ersn,aw btu I swa nierwgond hyw hte pnetita dlowu vahe a cedreedas siatpyornri fl?ow eBscuae ot ym gaduninsedr,nt ppeeol whit bvurtstocie aediesss vaeh oubrtle nghtaerbi u,to nto i..n oduCl msoonee xlainpe to me yhw it eedesas?cr

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rdk3434  ykao os i dah hte smea tduob iwhch is yhw i tgo sthi enstiuoq rwong , ubt ehnt i ahd tshi erueak tomnem , in roludw er'shet tieepreivt segmia utoab cottsvrbuie adn isietrtvrec ssediae eolmvsu and ythe alsway swho CAELHTAR TENISOSS glona htiw atth , tish equstoni si hwamotes ielk aractehl osissnet poernnattsie , juts glogoe gnul wolf luvome alhcaret esnis!ots hpoe this eplhs! +1

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