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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—joker4eva76(31)
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ehT iuqetons semt is bedigcnris a mhdirolnociat ase,sdei iwhhc yoolmmnc psreent htiw acictl iisc.odas hrTee is na ireensac ni roiaacnbe fsrom of eneygr cnirutpodo ylgsloc.siy)( The mnothriacido rea y,ltafu os hety ntโ€™ac esu hte ned ourcdpt of slosilcgyy eay(rvu)pt ni CTA. tnIsead tevyupar is tuedhsn oevr nad si esdu yb LDH el(taatc oshreneaydge)d to tneregae ytvea.urp

:sdeiA leRcal ttha DHL uses HADN dan rgteenaes +N.AD fiiencDyce of LHD can dlae to olss fo tireonagenre fo DAN+ adn ihtiinbs sigyyoscl.l

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drdoom  ... uyatrvpe si udenhst eovr dan is duse by LHD (ttlaeac gsao)ndheeeryd to rntgeaee aa.tte*cl +4
chris07  Its' dteihn in the anw,res btu I udwlo ikle ot :falycri xma 2O snuoincmpot si asdreeced ecesbau 2O si semdnuco in the lcEernto trapnorTs ,niCha iwhch cosrcu in the .dcoonmrihait tiWh het tiornohdmiac nto wio,rgkn het ECT ntoacn r,okw adn usht ehrte si essl ddenma rof +21
masonkingcobra  daiiootrhMcn are the soeoeurhwp fo the cell +63
uslme123  pypnltrAea ggraed red ifesbr are the telsru of aoesrc ecsbammrsaulol ro lbtmiryanrfoiierl hitaomrcdnoil muucals.nca.tio opsetiomlgeehb hroia/olstciwmslnecst /hgnayimacieowctaoct.cs-cmp/-p--ct/-inyhddrctwbolret.e:oyoriuynidim/ +4
mnemonicsfordayz  As c7rs@i0h ,sida sels 2O si igebn mosdcneu ni eth EC..T. tbu I aslo was inkigtnh htta eth ghmaadrpi si a emsclu and fi teh ihmotadcrnoi ni rhe gaprdamih rae laso not gfutnnni,oci nhte 'eshs not rihbteagn plorerpy nda essl 2O si nbegi ahedlni dan thrreofee sgdnricaee her eynxog tsco.monnipu sI htta ltltoya fof easb or am I utjs priaggns ta swtras hre?e +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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oS isht equtnsio wsa msentigoh I rlayel rdeluggst t.iwh I dn'tid znegceori that eht tnesoranipte was of FERRM as sooenme tdaest ,eoblw nad I nokw oyu dno't deen ot onkw atth ot ansrwe eth qntis,oue but it owldu ehva eneb flhpul.e yM ebsitgg aoriturtfns saw eht dniworg of the bsiypo susretl "moaarlbn lutmnscaaiuoc of mho" hisT ndanyeo em ceasbue hte iditefionn of ggdear edr frsibe wih(ch 'Im umngissa was hteir tt)ennnoii is "caluotausicnm fo albonmra omr.adohci"nti hosTe rea two yver tndreffei ateestsmtn ni ym md,ni lol. ehT rifs,t to ,em ustj msean thsere' oto mhcu ,imdohcotirna tbu the socned anmes erh'tes oot mhcu NAD teyh e'nrta ongnnicfuti yre.rlpop tsI' lsao ujts the fcta of mneeerrigmb all fo hte smtre rof TEC ta hte eimt fo garedni the stnoqeui ..(ei I dn'idt intkh aotub eth cfta atht TEC is oasl eadllc curallel otpaersirn ro jtus .opr)srtinaie

I olsa 'nddit yaelrl sdnaetrudn lyufl ahtw OVaxm2 is = "V2O x,am saol kownn as iamlxma exgoyn etakpu, is het treeumasnme fo the umimmax tanumo of negyox a epnors nca iiltuez rgdiun estenin ecxr.iee.s. dna is sbade no the ipmsree atth eth mero ognexy unomcdse iudgrn cesx,eier eth rome het yobd iwll eaegetnr diaeenson taphpierohst AT)(P ngeery ni l.s.cle. 2VO axm is harceed henw ouyr enyoxg tnincoumpos nmraeis ta a dtyeas ettsa detsepi an erseanci ni teh olworda.k It is at hits aputlae thta eth me[uls]c vsoem mfor irobace lmabsteoim ot ieoacnbra "obtaesmmil e2sw3iepwv/avwi.-wxmw70at9-yo:l/l/

esdaB puyerl on siht nnift,eiido erhew aVx2Om = teneiysasll teh meit at icwhh iarecbo wchssite ot benocaira piraenotsir, my iepatntnreotir fo oot umhc inmrdohicoat vs oto cmuh adn bda oihardocnmitr dtnid' atemr,t baecues vene nhwe teh rtdonaoimhci era ncninigtouf lppyor,re hyet acehr a npoti dan twihcs ot ebi,acnaro uhts if theer aws oot muhc mnoarl rainohmit,dco hist dolwu ucorc rasfet eauesbc eerht woudl be omre lvelrao clelaulr roeripaitsn o,ucnrgci aemingn teh doyb dwuol tshcwi ot ricabaeno dan uizielt gcylolsisi ot tleacta orf eenr,gy sopt tiiuzgnil het in,hdooamcitr adn sthu V2mxOa loduw arse.dece

WV.RO.E.H.E uecebas siht si a FEMRR te,sonuqi hte order fo nevest is a llteti r,nieetfdf etedpis eth omtoeuc genib eht asem a(t letsa sa'tht owh I ddunatesnr )t.i S,o I knhit eht key ot ayn hltoriaimdnoc drdsoier is mernebgemri ahtt het nitoamsut era osmlta tleairncy iggno ot cefaft an ddnoeec npreoti and tshu a iccendyief of ahtt rntpoi.e enO liaertc tath I ofund sdai htat eht RtNA isaomuttn (sa in FMRER) acu:se tup"risd hrtadcinmlooi otnerpi she,sysitn isneedarcg the yitcavit of Cemxlop I dan to a reesls extetn xlpmoCe VI... cihhw edcseares isonreirpat adn wesorl pronot ,ipnpugm artadmylilca cnedragsie teh ebmemnar alnpoetti and rptono lorlceceeimatch lniptateo edrtiang sroacs hte hinidrmaooltc nrien e.benmmar Teh tprnoo cetoeimahlrlcec latotepin nretidag si eht nirdgiv eocfr rof TPA senhysist dna dseeganirc it aanblsylsttui slewor eth lmaxima aret fo TPA ienss".ytsh 7ol4o.be0w/r-0e./i6t09xy6dip1/2fii/t10sn341r31b.an09..chuf2eo91j/m6y./.l.sll:l

adeBs no my taenisndugrnd of axetdioiv pphorhlo,ityanso 2O onpotmsucin (.ie. kinatg eht corenetl rmof lcmpxeo IV and tpgiutn ti on 2/1 O2 ot rtceea HO2 and H+ vedirs eth roonpt daetgnir hihcw srdiev TPA inopd.ourct uTh:s cntfiiede ytapirerosr otoiindxa (.ie. ADNtm ntatousmi of eht ECT )ezemyns delas to oedlerw O2 tunpnocmsio (so erewldo O2V max) chihw ehnt eldsa to erlodew APT tdpiuco,rno dan suth edcitefve niraocomdt.ih ,ehTn weerold mdhriocnatiol cnuintof seald to drdceasee ebrcoia iipertanosr untnhsig TPA ronipdcotu ot ericnaoba toarisniper, dienvr yb loslyc,isgy dan thus nciinagrse catalet

pHoe tsih !lsehp hisT took em WYA TOO ONLG ot rgfiue ,tuo ol,l ubt ypoelfluh I envre nkargeif retgfo it, o.ll

slAo, if ouy ntwa ayn emor dgir,ean I nfalyli fdoun na reaclti hatt ulltcyaa fylul aneislxp het mobclhiicae and ypsolhhapoiytog of hitmirldcnooa ypstemah:oi iccb/p/4rt2dom.3u.peo2a/6:/s/tca2i/3tn1rh4meic3l75/aa1/

yoSrr 'tsi so lg!no

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djtallahassee  llo ae.y I gttohhu ethy ewer ingytr ot ysa hrete swa an yolnalbmra gealr tnoamu fo hmniociodtra epetnsr icwhh mdae em teg het oppestoi nsawre :/ +1
alexxxx30  on I os hTe ramagrm swa pmeeocllyt gwonr caey(lrl oehrvwe eorwt teh usnitqeo eensd to owrk on hne.g)lis hsiT swa vrey rgsrfntiuat to me uaebcse I conzgeired ttah ti aws ragdeg red ,fserib tbu enht het ndigowr mdea em toubd ym wno deoenkgwl tiighkn(n woh uodcl hte tset iewrrt mses atth ).p?u olnraamb lsacmuicntuoa htriee saenm too hcum or too ilt.let talomniuuscac fo olrmbnaa moti mnesa hete cindmhootiar is ytflau. ecCrrot amramrg si ugittnp teh ectvadeji ihrtg nxte to teh owrd ti is sigri.dencb oS shti asw lditfinyee nowrg dna I easrh uryo stnmn.teie isTh ylrlae edfrttusra !em +1
azibird  ytilienDef a ihidmacnolort ,tahyypmo but I uatcally 'nodt tikhn si't Mcnlcoioy peyeilsp wiht -rgareddge ifbres RMER).F( sThi ynloalmr talsine cMcolnyoi srkj,e aenGelrzide srszei,ue breaelCelr aaxit,a nad eniaeDtm r(gcadiocn to bmsA)os. aeMyb st'i CPEO cniocrh( progissreev txeanrel ihlamoha)ltogpep: ssovrgereip raclxrutaoe ahpimoglhtlapeo ithw lribtaale .ipsost toN seru hihcw eon dlowu aocunct ofr erh opro resieexc nle.roaect thierE y,wa inecgnirgoz ist' itlihdmanrcoo si .uegnoh +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—soph(84)
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tp itwh rsiovpeersg lcmesu e-te&;gnsw-ask prse sscmlue otn okrwgin t-&g-; dreeaecs xonyge muscpno.oitn on ge=yxno no oceibar taimobelsm ;t-g-& rceesina suvoen t,lateac saol yuo epke doign onbecaiar clyosgsyil csnei you anct go to CTA &t;g-- iencsaer gyrnee updocnoitr via yssolgiylc :)

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—diabetes(31)
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anc msybeodo ienpaxl hwo grneye todcrionpu by clsiysyglo ni,saedrec eicns cbeairo gyylislcso orcudep 23 etn rcemA,apoTP to 2 etn TAP htohrug cinbaareo lscolyisgy ?

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diabetes  i ktnhi het tems olsuhd eb y"egnre ucdoiorpnt by na nibeacoar oyllcssgyi " +3
blueberrymuffinbabey  eyah tah'st eht tib thta rtpidep me up t.oo i tge hatt hrete owdul be aedencsri llgsyycsoi ni lengare ot eemspntcoa rfo calk fo CTA unitfonc acft ttha ti yass e"gyern poinctroud by o"lcysilsgy is dikn of mdao.lfunnegsn/iiigcs +2
thotcandy  c,yatnllhcie lolisyscyg si eht centioar htta ahpsnep in the tooyslc htat ertsngaee veurtpya nda 2 net AP.T rteaf that ti's ACT and iiOvaedxt toyoaihrphlsp,no chiwh ouccr ni the riadmtiochno. B y n,iidetonif ciylglsyos is ciraeoban - cihwh is wyh yeth mahrme eth acft ttah RBC rneudgo yliglysocs ylon tnio uro heads. +3
thotcandy  itcalenc,hyl sgliyylcso is het oanrteic atht npeahps ni the stolcoy ttha neegatsre aypetruv and 2 etn TPA. artef htat 'sit TAC nad adxiiOtve ytohas,olihnropp which urcoc in eht rco.mnhdiaiot yB ,fioidninet ygcilossyl si oacraibne - ichhw is wyh ehyt rmhmae het tfca atht BRC uernogd syiyglcslo only tnio our ead.hs +1
targetmle  i got it rgonw euecbsa fo tish as i ughttoh APT liwl be csadeeedr in aanrbice slsi,lyyocg ubt olabayrbp it swa ymainl cog'y'yslsli is rdaecneis +1
kcyanide101  i otg tish ietunqos wrong dan eshco ...A. cabeesu I rvoe hottugh t.i I had uesmads yhte eerw saingk btaou hte O2 ttnceon in teh ,dyob hwihc ilwl be iensaerdc nciridnosge eethr will eb aiprsyroter klilsasoa ot ehpl meagan eth ionciodtn +

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