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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 1/Question#23 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy from Brazil is brought to ...
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submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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cnEmeid ttuBrki lmhpayom can eppahn ni Brzail sa elwl as arfcAi jw(a oeils,n fufyp f.c)ea eTh achgtmrohpproio si rmestdoinntga intbileg doyb agsmrapchoe, a yept of mgearhoacp ngtnnicoai namy ideyzacpoth,g opctopati lelsc ni surivao setsta of e.gtndaarido

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weenathon  orF eonany seel ohw swa gedonwrni ywh a crneca was inrudngoge iptaspoos scliyla(salc we khnit fo nracec IGAVEND )ppos,itsoa ayepntrlap is't deu to het myc oantutmi silcasc ni kBtrtiu mp.aLhmoy lWhei ycm suasec het clel ot eor,prtflaei ti laso ndiucse stpaoipos - nceeh eth geblitin sbidoe nactnginoi aittpoopc .scell (t54nsgin2/ib1nph7hc/.:.o.lmewpw8ut/vwd.mb/4) +4
itsalwayslupus  lAos utjs fro oeplep how tcwah oardsb dan onyedb or opamtha I( ontd' rreemmbe whcih ylatcxe ti si )fo,rm the "a"rtss in eht rt"arys ng"thi perpaaacen fo sBrktiut' a(htw is nigbe swnoh )ehre aer gielhrt eaubesc het het clles rea ongng/ieyd iav itsoasopp s(seoppdu to be eth "he"lso ni the inght" ky"s oll.) +6
jbrito718  sdcoepom fo imeteisaetzidnr-ed phodmyil lcesl iwht a arsrโ€œty kyโ€s cpaeeanrap eud ot sunruome viecrtae -leygnitobdib amrhcsogape poisstha(goyc of cpoottpai rtmuo lc) eTreh is a ircesathcrcita 4(1t8;) staoirotlacnn ptuasnixgoj MYC ot hte blnulunmomiigo aheyv hanci lscuo ni mots +1

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submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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nI scea nyonea si cuouirs obaut eht othre mrt:se I kthin asoipsotp dan noisspctroe era fyialr elc,ngboraezi tub I dha on cuel tahw ypmso,sist otis,sso adn oisnsoc e.wre Soitmspsy = mciseihc ellc h.taed ostsOis = nboe moroanift (!duh yhw tn'ddi I embrmeer a,tth .)oll ncoiOss = aioeti.cman

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amc  on=rteo snccrociiOs smecicih cell tysdea tSmosp=hi mnatcaeioi +3
srmtn  o scison (eedrvid mfor knรณ,os nagnmei is)wgelnl saw esdppoor ni 1190 yb onv Riekesahun-glnc rescyelpi to mena ellc eadht ihwt is sgtooienlsl:ws oairnfmto of ys:iebsponm ost a dluraag igtnsaw aawy of the odyb or of yna ngrao ro atrp fo het d.oy b +1

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submitted by โˆ—yousif7000(12)
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I loseynth ferdgui hits tuo yb ictngnoi hwo eht saecps rea all idcfnone and in mldeedral-wceta dsrbreo hhcwi rea efsetuar fo stooipasp

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submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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But i saw thiinngk UMORT SCNSIERO f,ra(tco N.F)TdnA tacf ttha irapd ognwrgi murto aaylws gte rnisseoc ude ot citnfidee dbolo lpg.syeu(p BG).M nAd kiutBtr is inyeldefti aiprd iHgnog(rhigw aPe)i6e 7s-lk oerrtcc me thx

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