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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man who is a migrant farm ...
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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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heT olodb rasme tecpdsi ffeurhScn tni.ilgpps Fuodn het teacx eagim on eth web tihw apneixaotn:l


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doctorboomboom  yHe ntskah for gnnidfi eth iae!gm oD uoy okwn wyh the eraswn ca’tn be iqnohlCroeu ?csiesnreat I wsa b/w ahtt nda franitmoo of p.onsethzyio +6
jejunumjedi  I itnkh 'ist tujs tath cSnuffehr ippstgnli dan ypnhozsiote era otbh fseiccip ot iavxv dna veoal eei.cssp Teehs sseicep uoldc eb qnuhrloceio tsansiert or tesevins,i but if ouy vahe nfecSrfuh pinsliptg ro ezihsopon,yt ouy can tineeilydivf ays thta tsi' ehtier vxvai or laove. +3
sherry  Sspieec htiw oozpnseityh si tno adellc ceounlqiohr siaen.trts rlniueCqhtsontoari-se essciep smnea izothoozhs/itnrpecot atcn eb lkdeil by ior.echqnolu eW tndo heav egunho onfi to iceded hehtewr hte psp ni teh q is sii.rsstne/evttneais Btu ew od onkw eh vomde frmo orndHsua to SAU 1 ayer oag. +3
soph  :WU ni iracfa otms irmlaaa isepcse aer rsstnaiet to qholo.nrcieu he si from aohsndru +6
randios  Cna ynnoae alnpixe het ew1-ke tyihosr fo ?ervef uReld otu avivx dna vleao eud to 84 hr rO did ethy sjtu rhwot ttha ni sa na csincpeuif .tpoymms +2
dr_ligma  nicsufpeci ymtsopm yobplrab +
mcm94  woh I nwok ahtt is na ntfeoicin yb ao/vvvxiael ? fi th'erse gnnhtio ttha sysa obuta rtaeint vefer? +3
medguru2295  ehiWl it UODLC eb nehiloqruCo a,erntssti sti tno ieklT yl.hsi enttaip si kylile nifecdte thwi Vvxai or vloea nt(o cialp)aumFri 1w.h? y aonHsdur aF(licp ldowu eb ) ir2aAfc. Sx 1 yera tlera vi(erL romf xaViv or eV alO.)3 sA mnay nmntd,eioe rfechfSu cFobasliui piademr tsnde ot be hte peisecs netstsari ot ,lahiq lroienplyToyc.Cu reuiqConhlo si nvieg ofr vaxiV a&;pm alvOe a(pytllicy twhi snoetighm lee-s nevAu,toqao opsnDae )cte to rvceo icaiLialFrupr vme no( ivLre fo)rm si egylnlare reonoluiqCh estistanr ()B adn efethorre ceedvor iwht uYo od eedn 8-41 days of tx artfe conigm rfo iFaplc bc it anc arnemi ni eth Lriev ofr a efw yasd tsju( ont a dmnorat ohynp .oTomr f) ovrce het w"eek fo evrf"e tsu-ioqen tsi nregce-eerme fo her .xs eThy roblyabp stju did not natw ot ays ycilcc ot ekam it crt.ierki +6
flvent2120  soLko klei 'tis eenb uhedotc ,on tbu ouy loucd aewsnr ihts leloys ebdas no the fcat hatt is't neeb eno raye siecn ivnigl in snu.aHrdo ihleW it AMY be ocnqoierlhu tta,rsnies it SI tma.rndo tTes aitngk ikslsl lodwu eb to chsoeo het narews oyu cn'ta urega with +
meryen13  codoorboo@mbtmo I tkinh cebeasu sit hnigosw ahtt ist neeb a eyra nsiec eh trgmidmaei ( elta iwsonhg fo eth )zd its gtiinnh orawtd hte pn.eoihtzys ton .rseu +

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by suckitnbme(239)
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Evne if uoy 'cnat neprrteit het bodol msra,e tish enptita is eprintnesg whti liarama feart ienbg in the US rfo e.r1-ay st'I hiylhg kuelliyn that eh ogt enwly dinceetf eliwh ni het U.S hWta si ugocrrcni si a evniaioarttc fo dtramon aarlima senziy(topho in eht rive)l htta this ddue got wlieh in drsHoua.n

As usch hist is umilsaompd /avavivoe.lx aWht rbpolyba eanpphed saw hatt thsi nitpaet was aedettr wtih ooeciqhnurl enwh he wsa ltnyailii dieenfct. ihTs lduow rleca the eoninftci ni eth orm,bsdtaole btu eods tno kill teh inoopstheyz ni hte .lirve etTrament htwi auqiinrpme si enedde ot realc hte ,ezstopyihno iwhhc sith itenapt llekyi idd ton eiec,erv ecenh iraamla ilhwe in eth U.S

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madamestep  pYu! I tog a milasri onuiteqs hitw on oldbo maesr y(aeMb no rlWdo?U hTey lal ubrl orgtet)he and het ulce aws ttha yeth had aarillam tsymsomp efrta ibneg in Aiecrma ofr a wh.eil +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by leny123(7)
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nraeeGl leur - hrilqonuCeo seniitesv if ofrm eabribCna ro etnrlCa Acaimre stwe fo nmaaPa lC,ana shit atetnpi dmarigmiet omfr doaHsrnu os uyo acn etniemila cioenurhqlo srniaeects sa an nsarwe icehco (in dntioida ot eth avevvaix/ol nofi bve.a)o

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charcot_bouchard  suyG anglo thiw all elngientlti iocdnssuis asol eepk in dmni he mmgdiraeit 1 raey .kacb So it ustm be ooszehipynt ihwch si sancgui htis eeucabs cuMrai is laaMria +28

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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nFduo tihs tager ecdtunom itwh sldesi boaut eth dtenefifr sagt:onpeh .m9/-sn/_an9apgStch1/G.oradespb03sr0//ppe2tam2rPg1_icci:htnnpr0Srgift

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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dinK fo ircytk noe.iqtsu heT nzhsooepity aer nlocqoeihru .asnertsit uBt het sepecsi amy not .eb

.P prcilFmaau si eirsstnta nad lsook leki a aa,bnan tub oyu todn wokn fi het iramaal in the BRC is amulrcapfi ro

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tyrionwill  rehewth ansrsteit ro v,estsniie ndedspe on the r,neogi tno no hte epesisc caif l ogcmin romf aitHi clodu eb tsevieisn +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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ORSECEUR : DCC aaM rila speiec:s P. viavx %,93 .P frpualicma %.7

WHY ONHESOZYPY ? 2 sraesno

  1. eucffrhns isgtipnpl ( ahtt deriw clle hwti tols fo belu )rslgteti

  2. SUDOANRH ( 93 reptecn rea i)vavx

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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P.g 715 fo 2910 AF rictpeu B eitpdcs nSeffuhr ngppsilti urdne rMaaail. Se"en twhi P vv"ieoaaxvl/

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by krewfoo99(115)
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I tiknh uhnroqecoil sniastceer otnw be pscicfee ot ivaxv nad a,hutlsvoe kimang it eht trirnecoc we.nasr qrnouoCheil tesarenisc cna yppal ot .P pcaliaruFm nad .P aeraaliM

ynOl aixvv dan eoval saeuc znioeoytph htsu nkgami ttha the oerm alcer renwas

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Dseo nonaey kwon who ot eulr otu E? 'vIe nreev ernlaed bouta rmnsoimiasrcgo ilcyialpesfc ntivcgtaia a 'clsle MAsC, utb nweh I okoedl it p,u I fdnuo tsih icartle (tar.p.cnl//Mh59hwtic7s/t3:./bwec/.gnp0l/sP3momwinvCi). heT ealtirc sntdoe' eaylcpiifslc ninetom udolmmpsai sa ungsi ,it but sreeval of het rsserecuo ofr eth eclitra deso.

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